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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Gavin Plumb

    What a charmer https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13575697/The-chilling-voice-notes-reveal-depths-Gavin-Plumbs-depravity-Messages-sent-undercover-cop-security-guards-meticulous-plan-raid-stars-home-dead-night-chloroform-taking-abandoned-farm-carry-evil-plot.html
  2. Miles

    Monkey pox illegals

    And you are one of his nuts.
  3. Please stop vexing @Ape™️, that is Big Bollox and my job.
  4. Was that white van your's? https://today.rtl.lu/news/world/a/2209681.html
  5. You're now the best on here.
  6. A imaginary publication .. just like your "year old Bentley" .. you're an iron aren't you?
  7. I read somewhere that this month is Social Media Month.
  8. Miles


    @Frank is the best on here .. ask him.
  9. I bet that they could get a dozen Foden lorries (all with pink wheel rims) up your back passage.
  10. Is that a 40 watt LED bulb .. if so it will be seen from Mars.
  11. Miles


    @Ape™️ is not something that anyone should do over lunch.
  12. Miles


    @Ape™️ always says that to me too .. its what he says to all his bestest friends.
  13. Retard .. Billy Bullshit.
  14. There are a lot of stabby cunts in the inner cities who are very good with knives. Instead of sending these stabby cunts to prison couldn't we retrain them to be surgeons?
  15. Isn't there just a teeny weeny hint of marram or fescue in you?
  16. Have you ever had rabbit stew .. I once invited some friends around for lunch .. they said they enjoyed it until I told them that it was rabbit stew, one stupid cow accused me of murdreing a pet .. I did point out that there were two rabbits in stew but she that was even worse.
  17. The nom itself has been done before but it still sums these cunts up .. for a lot of the older cunts its like a visit Mecca .. al the 60s 70 and a few 80 year old beatnicks, hippies and trying to prove that they are still "with it" .. Sunday and Monday they will be heading home unwashed .. hopefully a few will die either there or on their way home. Leave this to the young and the younger 40 and 50 somethings.
  18. Do you buy stuff from the range store .. do they do cheap beans?
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