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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Is that the one with the advert where you tap your arse to the sound of small change, or the one with the massive sacks of processed shit flown in from Walmart HQ in Bediddlyboing, Idaho? I was an M&S Food man myself, but then I was middle class bourgeois Zionist scum. I bloody loved those sandwiches.

    Did your mum ever go to Iceland?

  2. 12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I'm already fucked off with this new Labour government.  They  politically clueless and deaf which doesn't bode well this early in the game.   The Left won't have another reincarnation of Blair introducing more "anti-terrorist" legislation and powers.   This time backed up by a separate organisation of government foot soldiers hunting down dissidents.   The Trade Union movement and hence the Labour movement and party grew out of early dissidents, anti-government protest and violence.   


    The previous government were behaving in exactly the same way .. it is pretty much what any government would do. We are just over 20 miles from the main European land mass a short boat trip from a country overrun with illegal immigrants .. we should have all fucked off to Australia and New Zealand after the first world war.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    Despite his sexual partiality, I doubt his arse could withstand the kind of Viagra-fuelled pounding you could deliver, you Bernie bald-patch, Richard Keys-handed Norman Bates in a dress tranny cunt.

    To give a punding I would need a lump hammer but doubtless you could tongue both of them at the same time.

    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Yeah, but how people react to the physical and financial insecurities of old age is THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS NOT YOURS. 

    The fact is the British statutory basic state pension is relatively low compared to other Western countries.  Including Eire.  Their state pension is higher than Britain's. 

    This is AFTER cost of living etc adjustments. 

    The argument that it is toppwd up by means tested "benefits" is bollo ks.  Fucking pay state pensions at a level which allows them to live comfortably without the need for concessions.. In effect, that much bandied wird, WITH DIGNITY. 

    And stop the fucking bullshit propaganda that the state pension is a "benefit".. It is a WITHDRAWAL based on NI contributions.   The state pension is calculated on a pension fund formed of past contributions.  Just like Private Pensions.   They are run and managed exactly the same. 

    It is a slur on pensioners to call their withdrawals via the state pension is a fucking "benefit". 

    The argument todays pensiins are paid by current taxation is wrong.   The government just spent the NI contributions on something else which tends to be servicing national debt created by such things as invading Iraq and Afghanistan (£25billion) our lovely new (unreliable trigger in Washington) Polaris nuclear submarines (£15bn) or the two fucking useless carriers (£15bn) or fucking starting a highspeed railway (the only one in Britain) and not having thevguts to finish it off properly and fucking writing off Xbn pounds. 

    You name it the only recipient of BENEFITS in this country are the public school Oxbridge CUNTS AT THE TOP and their USA CRONIES. 

    I have just had a letter from my pension fund .. it looks like there is a 20% shortfall .. I am presently looking for a suitable clifftop beauty spot.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Yeah, but how people react to the physical and financial insecurities of old age is THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS NOT YOURS. 

    The fact is the British statutory basic state pension is relatively low compared to other Western countries.  Including Eire.  Their state pension is higher than Britain's. 

    This is AFTER cost of living etc adjustments. 

    The argument that it is toppwd up by means tested "benefits" is bollo ks.  Fucking pay state pensions at a level which allows them to live comfortably without the need for concessions.. In effect, that much bandied wird, WITH DIGNITY. 

    And stop the fucking bullshit propaganda that the state pension is a "benefit".. It is a WITHDRAWAL based on NI contributions.   The state pension is calculated on a pension fund formed of past contributions.  Just like Private Pensions.   They are run and managed exactly the same. 

    It is a slur on pensioners to call their withdrawals via the state pension is a fucking "benefit". 

    The argument todays pensiins are paid by current taxation is wrong.   The government just spent the NI contributions on something else which tends to be servicing national debt created by such things as invading Iraq and Afghanistan (£25billion) our lovely new (unreliable trigger in Washington) Polaris nuclear submarines (£15bn) or the two fucking useless carriers (£15bn) or fucking starting a highspeed railway (the only one in Britain) and not having thevguts to finish it off properly and fucking writing off Xbn pounds. 

    You name it the only recipient of BENEFITS in this country are the public school Oxbridge CUNTS AT THE TOP and their USA CRONIES. 

    Those people vote and that is very much my business .. We should have started building he high speed railway in the 1970s, a simple non electrified line where the interCity 125s could have run on at 150+ miles per hour, during the 1990s we should have electrified that railway. We have a twisted environmental lobby that blissfully ignores where much of the pollution come from (China, India and The US). We sit on some of the finest coal in the world .. yes use a much solar & wind as possible but we could still build a few highly efficient coal powered power stations that could be totally mitigated by other net zero initiatives.

    • Like 3
  6. 14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I like the gun in the back of the head from the friendly Russian gaoler.  Or the firing squad as in China.   Fact is all the stages of appeal which can stretch out death row indefinitely are invoiced to the government by savvy lawyers even BEFORE the cunts are sentenced.  The cost is eyewatering.  Meanwhile decent people are being told - no winter fuel payment, no nursery place for your kids, no nhs dental appointments (even dentists!) queuing up on phone at 8.00 am to enter a lottery to see a doctor, our hospitals out of date not fit for 20th century alone 21st century, a d so on.... Yet to satisfy the liberal public school boy establishment 

    # more boatloads of cash for ukraine

    # more concessions to the Oxbridge mafia on human rights and prisons and justic system

    # plenty of cash for whatever projects suit THEM 


    What the fuckers don't know or can't admit is that 90% of the violent protests over Southport are about generations of the two arse cheek parties IGNORING English white people's demands for a well ordered decent society that is not being ethnically diluted or cleansed by authoritarian democracies. 



    What bothers me is the guilt I am supposed to feel. I am not a patriot but I do like being English and British (British in context of being one of four nationalities of English, Scot, Welsh or IRISH) .. I am not bothered about colour .. simply that you are happy to have been born in the UK and with its history.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I presume you have considered it was you they took a dislike to? If you must turn up to work in a black robe carrying a scythe, expect a parade of old dears to put their knitting down and give you a fucking pasting. No sympathy. 

    It was said that what enraged "Young Fred" Shipman was that he had worked his way up from humble origin yet as he grew older he saw these old cunts and who had inherited most of what they had and yet as he approached 60 he was still not very well off. In his career most of the people he dispatched were actually mercy killings. If you have any female relatives in Blighty ask them to have a wander around some of these Beauty Parlours .. in them you will find plenty of fat hagged faced old biddles spending £50 a week having their nails painted and another £50 on their little darling pooch groomed, few of these old biddies have done a days work in their lives, even their children were farmed out nurseries and boarding schools. One of Shipman's "victims" was a poor worthless soul who paid to go some little known pilgrimage site in Hungary .. reading through the allegedly "worthy" lives of some of his other "victims" and their sense of entitlement from the point of view of a man who worked his way up from a humble working class background and only having his Primrose to go home to you can almost sympathise with him.

  8. 20 hours ago, White Cunt said:

     Certain old people buy large, expensive cars and cruises, rather than insulation, heating upgrades, etc, and then tremble in their large, drafty, mouldy hovels bitching about energy costs and general inflation.

    Somehow, it doesn't occur to them to change their situation and the fact that they are in a much better position than the millions of basic state pension receivers, just flies over their peanut brains.

    There are all sorts of situations that cloud the issue. Some are very well off , one cunt I know who 76s has saving of £250 but only a small private pension of £80 a month. He is scared shitless to eat into that £250k to give himself even another £150 a month, I know other cunts who have fell for the equity release racket. There are lot of very poor pensioners too proud to take things that they are entitled such as pension credit or care allowance. Around where I live are lots of retirement blocks. Some people who live in them are well off and have nice cars most of them though do not have cars or go on cruises.

  9. 12 minutes ago, scotty said:

    I spent several highly unpleasant hours this morning doing some maintenance work in a Fareham residential unit specialising in dementia care for the elderly. Fuck me, what a torrent of abuse those oldies spew out, it would make even the posters on here blush. "Come in at 7am," they said, "the room will be empty," they said. Was it fuck, they had a battery of ancient razor-tongued harridans lined up and ready to hurl vitriol at anyone within earshot. 

    It's convinced me of two things though; 1/ Shipman was right, and 2/ people would be well advised to procure well in advance the appropriate narcotics with which to end it all, and the means to administer them. I'm not winding up like the poor senile demented old cunts in that home. 😳☹️

    Did they do a singsong for you before you left?

  10. 15 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It becomes judicial if you allow the endless appeals as in USA. Just do it straight away.  After all the evidence bar for a death sentence is pretty high.  It is the slow turnover rate of cunts on death row that undermines the place of capital punishment.   The use of whole life tariff s could be expanded because it would free up space. I'm not happy this cunt won't be done away with.  There's a lot of decent people, decent uses for that money which will be wasted on him.   No sane person could agree with that. 


    I have for most of my life been opposed to capital punishment, however I think there are some cases that are "beyond the pale" and there neither a prospect the ever being safe to release or to have any useful function in life. In such cases you are simply keeping an animal trapped in a case. Dogs that kill are euthanised and dogs are not even evil. We need not follow the evil US method .. simply an overdose of morphine would do the job. We also need to rethink these killing committed by mentally ill people who consider that what they have done is somehow justified .. that should be classed as murder rather than manslaughter.

  11. 8 hours ago, Decimus said:

    I wouldn't waste your breath on any of this shit. Even those with the semblance of a brain seem to have allowed their more base instincts to inform what they have said tonight and yesterday about recent events in the UK.

    When you have got supposed liberals (LCS) feeding the narrative and banging the anti-immigrant drum, what's the point in carrying on posting if you're a member of a demographic that even a more "tolerant" member clearly seems to despise? 

    You may have thicker skin than me, Raas, and I'm not even black, but it leaves a stink and I'm done with it. The Corner used to be a broad church but it's turned into a cess pit of intolerance. I'm done until either sanity has once again prevailed or the people who should know better have put the bottle down and reverted to not being a total fucking arsehole.


    A problem with your narrative is that you do not show tolerance yourself .. you simply show yourself as a typical angry little man.

  12. 6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Aw God. I've just had a vision of Jimmy fucking Savile wearing a white Drs coat, stethoscope over his neck and saying to a kid in bed "ughughughugh, now then now then young man, I'm Dr Jimmy and I'm the winkle Dr". 


  13. 39 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    I can't imagine you had many friends as a kid.

    Back in the 1970s and early 80s a fiver could mean a kid could have friends all week .. One Sunday evening back in 1965 I found a 10/- note, I had true friends for life until the following Thursday.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    If anyone is aware of grooming gangs then they should report where necessary, irrespective of religion. Mr Robinson would tell you that he did what he did "to protect our girls" - all very laudable. Robinson made some money generating documentaries on the matter. He also recruited teams to interview victims, a job that should only be done by highly trained councillors and not by a bunch of characters who have a racially motivated axe to grind against brown-skinned non-Christian faiths. It transpired that two councillors (that is, two that we know of) ended up bedding two women, one was a victim of a Telford grooming gang, the other a highly vulnerable mother of a victim. Robinson admitted that that none of the money made from his video went into providing support to the survivors he was meeting. He also seemed to concentrate on victims of Muslim abuse and ignored child sex abuse and exploitation perpetrated by white men so you'll have to excuse me for taking a jaundiced view about his concern to protect "our girls".

    I have just been reading about the case of the devout Christian former BBC newsreader .. for a while almost the voice of the UK, certainly one of the most recognisable voices . A man with a very well paid job, a wife and 5 children. Yet he liked to look at illegal sexually explicate picture of young children and teenagers. What the fuck was/is going on in his tiny mind?

  15. 18 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    The Donald was probably part of the Weapon-X program and made of Adamantium. Explains the claw growth that excused him from military service. I bet he can run up the sides of trees and buildings.

    I wish that I had thought of that .. after he comes out of prison he could get a job as a linesman.

  16. 2 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    You Welshmen should stick together, form a defensive barrier to keep out the world. Like at Rorke's Drift: sing your little hearts out and rejoice in fraternal cameraderie. It's all you've got left, now the coal-mining's gone and your scabby sheep are only worth a couple of quid each.

    Huw has just pleaded guilty .. I expect that he will be on the BBC News later letting us know what the sentence is.

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