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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 42 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    This is what you're up against sentencing this cunt to a whole life tariff:

    "recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings have deemed mandatory life sentences for juvenile killers unconstitutional. Boettlin is one of nine Berks juvenile lifers awaiting resentencing hearings." 

    That was for kidnap and murder by decapitation.  

    You can bet your life thanks to the system Starmer has spent his maggoty life in - it's even more soft as shit in the UK. 

    Also as far as crime statistics go, isn't the public entitled to know the exact proportions of knife and violent crimes, plus all crimes, committed are by first generation immigrants, second generation etc. 

    So an immigrant has three or more kids in this country very quickly, which is quite common,  and those kids are counted as "British" except they are almost identical in culture to the parents, probably do not speak English in the home, and are prone to inhabit a narrow world of their own ethnic peers and role models, maturing and developing their views and ideas about the country they are living in from bad examples on the internet. 

    I was listening to two wimin in Costa today .. "We think that it is the far right that is the problem", "what is the problem" I ask .. "we have Muslim friends who are afraid to go out.".

  2. 7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    My money's still on Pen to land the next Gillette contract, lol.

    Anyway, since when did you become the Corner's answer to Tommy Robinson? I can imagine riot police quaking in their boots as they stare down a pigeon-legged, hirsute, 5"6 semi-dwarf shouting "you bunch of faaackin' cunts!" from beyond a black wig, bucket and beanie hat.

    Those not nice things to say about King Billy.

  3. 7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I couldn't give a fuck if all those places you mention go up in flames. I live in a little village on the Surrey/Sussex border where the only spade you'll see is made by Spear and Jackson and is in my shed.

    Trevor Phillips is a cunt 

    I went to Midhurst 10 years ago and had tea with a twee gentleman who lived in a posh cottage by the river and close to the Frasher Nash workshops.

  4. 8 hours ago, Frank said:

    Scotty couldn't make his way in or out of a paper bag, let alone some old blackfella pensioner's salt and pepper ratty minge.

    I think that he could get into the paper bag .. the problem for him would getting out of it again.

  5. 43 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It's not on YouTube.  Anyway the bollocking bullshit I am reading (once again) about "they were just a wuiet normal family going about their business..."   doesn't really align with the overall facts of the situation in this country as shown here in just a brief set of verified statistics


    If you read the Met Police or Government websites they all MINIMISE the figures refer to it as black "OVER-REPRESENTATION" as if the facts are not telling the truth or are misleading us simple noddies.   Of course.   They don't live or educate their families in the areas affected by these problems. 

    Every time I pick up a London local newspaper I'm confronyed with the same type of woolly haired dark face staring with a caption.  Knife murder etc.   It's wearingly predictable. 

    They did say that the video had been removed .. I am surprised that they have not covered their other tracks. I think that there is still a shot of him Dressed as Doctor Who.

  6. 14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    If proof of a cover up was needed

      Vanessa Felz another LBC platitude merchant just questioned a caller saying the immigration places a strain on local communities? . What do you mean by "strain"? 

    Tjis cunt has had private health and dental care for decades, jist got back from an 8 day holiday in Majorca yesterday, probably at her own villa she owns over there.  It's two faced cunts in the media like that who are part of it. 

    Starmer can dig and scrape but the cover ups STOP NOW. 

    Where's a Constitutional Bill of Rights in the UK like in every other fucking democracy?  Any fucking socialist would be pressing for written basic human rights in this country.  None of our politicians want that.  All they want is power, bending the system, cover up and personal aggrandisement. 


    He was filmed dressed as Doctor Who and stepping out of the the Tardis and saying "HELP CHILDREN NEED.".

  7. On 02/08/2024 at 13:16, ChildeHarold said:

    Surely there are more recent photos of the cunt?  Those little boy pics dressed in his school uniform is deliberate window dressing by the authorities are pretty peculiar.   The way the authorities are twisting on a stick over this is paranoid.  We have the shitfest in Notting Hill coming up soon.  I don’t see any sympathy for the residents or the community having their peace and quiet destroyed while a riit is going on their doorstep with predictable violent thuggery crime. 

    As if it could not get any worse .. the little cunt was on Children in need!

    Children in Need video of Southport suspect removed


  8. I am pleased to note that today and tomorrow in many areas with large Muslim populations there are going to be large gathering of Muslim holding banners saying "NOT IN MY NAME" and Muslim preachers calling for love and tolerance towards non-followers.

  9. On 02/08/2024 at 09:29, Ape™️ said:

    Why do you feel it necessary to drag Frank into your mindless bollocks? Speaking of cancer, I hope yours is progressing rapidly.

    You sound angry, are you rioting this weekend?

  10. 8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I thought Alf was from neighbours!

    Anyway, the best aussie programmes were: 'Shannon's Mob', 'Cell Block 'H''  and 'Cash and Company'.  The best Aussie film; The Club. And I love Collette Mann.  Do you know any of them?

    You forgot "The Terrific Adventures of the Terrible Ten" and "Skippy".

  11. 8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    You do realise that the only person who talks like that down here is Alf from Home and Away, and he does it to delight the Brits who are the only ones who watch that shit? It’s like Manuel from Fawlty Towers. 

    I have yet to hear a Taffy say "Boyo" .. I have only ever heard that word said in Hereford.

  12. 12 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

    Brexit….. the gift that keeps on giving. Discuss!

    I have have come to the conclusion that we should have rebuilt the Atlantic wall after invading Normandy and sorting Adolf and his lot out.

  13. 1 hour ago, and said:

    I don't know about that, I was in Sainsbury's on Wednesday. And I definitely ain't a shirt-lifter, oh no, not me, never in a million years.

    Anyway, the thing is, a couple of moths ago I was in M&S with the girlfriend, she was buying something from the women's department and, fuck me, there was this six foot, Caitlyn Jenner cunt, swanning around in an M&S uniform.

    I didn't say anything, but when we were back outside, she says "Did you see that?"

    I said "What?"

    She goes "That fuckin' bloke in a dress"

    Well, can you imagine the kerfuffle if that fucker was intent on giving a hand to some middle-aged, Home Counties biddy, wanting to try on a dress or get measured for a bra?

    I won't name which M&S it was, and obviously the cunt has to earn a living, but if the girlfriend thinks it's a bit iffy, what would other people think?

    I mean, you're a bloke, you put a dress on, and get a job in the women's dept. of any high street retailer, and nobody is allowed to say anything, FFS

    One of my nieces is 6' 2"  and given birth to two children so far .. she is plastic scouser and would doubtless put you right, are you a 4' 3" midget?

  14. If it does go to trial Mental Health will be the cop out .. it is all based on how they rationalise what they what they have done and the thought processes during that time. In the case of the Exeter killing of the 3 old men the court and jury accepted that killer thought that it was a "Moral Thing to do" and he was just sent to a nuthouse indefinitely. In the Nottingham case the get out was "Whilst The Balance of his mind was disturbed". I do contrast that with the Darren Pencile case where he was shit scared when he was called to task by a cunt who was twice his size and weight. A situation where anyone would have been shit scared.

  15. 11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    My parents seriously toyed with idea of the £5 pommie offer in the early 60s.  There's nothing here for the honest hardworking man and his family.  In fact the hardworking dad doesn’t get any respect ir recognition in this empire of the single mother social delinquent/knife wielding drug gang society.   This is a fucked up country that doesn't know where it's going. 

    Thatcher encouraged loads of these guys into the self employed white van sector with minimal social security cover because THERE WAS NO FUCKING DECENT EMPLOYMENT ANYWHERE ELSE IN MODERN BRITAIN. 

    It's a country going down the pan economically and socially. 

    I have relatives in NZ .. some have left there because it has become ultra woke.

  16. In practice whatever your aspirations and heartfelt beliefs diversity is dead .. we have a hard enough job mingling English, Welsh, Scots , Irish and a few white European descendants and stopping them from fighting each other.

  17. 15 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It only survives because of the current funding model.   I don't think it could survive on Ads or subscriptions.   It could be broken up and sold off to more niche and successful channels/providers say the archive to TPTV and Strictly to ITV.  The government will lose its kickabout handy punchbag and its propaganda arm. 

    Sky models itself on the BBC and sees itself as the national broadcaster .. it has got he same pomposity and arrogance, and it thrives on ads and subscriptions. I would not break the BBC up but I would shrink it drastically. Close the local radio station and replace them with regional offshoots of Radio 4 and merge radios One, Two & Three and back to just BBC One & Two television channels that likely reduce funding needs (The License fee) by at least 50%.

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