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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Riots in UK

    Hmmm he doesn't even know how to convert a PNG to a JPEG.
  2. Miles

    Riots in UK

    Yesterday's peaceful protests .. lots of politically correct folk felt that it was safe to go out. They knew that the police would do everything possible to protect them against hard right thugs. It proved nothing .. actually there are a lot of people who are worried about uncontrolled illegal immigration, Stabbings, murders and other violence .. all too often by ethnic communities who were afraid to come off to voice their concerns because they were be shouted down and called right wing racist thugs and threatened by the so called forces of law n' order. The real focus should be on those three girls who were butchered to death by a 17 year old thug.
  3. Miles

    Riots in UK

    They do actually have rich immigrant business men/womenss children in their private schools .. the businesses is drug dealing hidden behind businesses such as nailbars and barbers .. there seem to be several nailbars and "Turkish" barbers in every high street even in small towns.
  4. I bought a floppy off a pc mag .. I don' who wrote it but I made a couple back ups of it and it just came back with a load of bumf that said whether or not it thought the pc was "safe" and also stated the obvious re keeping protection up to date. I made a few hundred quid. I found three PCs that it said had issues.
  5. King John was likely not the wrong 'un history portrays him as (remember who writes the history), he was hated by the nobles because preferred to speak English rather than French and hob knobbed with the vulgar merchant class, the nobles were afraid that he would bypass them.The Magna Carta was a to protect them .. His brother Richard The Lion Heart was actually a cunt who hated England and the English, his love was France. King John should simply be seen in the context of his time.
  6. The Y2K bug .. I had a little side hustle back in 199/20009 just for a few quid I would check your computer to see it you "needed" to do anything about the "Millenium Bug" .. TBH I always thought that the problem if any would crop up at the end of 2000. @Cuntybaws did you do any work on this?
  7. It was all to be put on a writable compact disk which usually turn out to be unreadable after a couple of years. You are right .. totally forgotten by the year 2000.
  8. Where can you buy this "Elon Musk" and does it smell nice?
  9. The Magna Carta gave some specific rights to a few moaning nobles.
  10. Miles

    Riots in UK

    He's not told us whether or not he is angry about it.
  11. Miles

    Riots in UK

    I have read the articles in Private Eye.
  12. Miles

    Riots in UK

    I have a raving Leftie .. there is nothing wrong with British White people in general. If a 17 year old man (a 17 year old is not a child) had not gone out and slaughtered three young girl (all of whom were children) none of these riots would have happened. Something I have noticed is that so far as I can see none of the ethnic groups nor the religious groups publicly, loudly and visibly condemned the killing of those three little girls and the same goes for the left wing "hope not hate" and other leftist groups The same can be said for the far right cunts who have rioted rather than held peaceful virgils. Yes something has gone seriously wrong and much of the problem is down to nieve patronising middle class "leftists" along with a similar number of patronising (you can't say that) "rightists". @peglegtwo you yourself have a cheek in that you appear to come from a country where use of guns is out of control with in many cases young white men of a similar age group to the Southport killer, killing large numbers of school children with guns. About 30 years ago there was a US cop drama about a cop from Ulster who had move to Detroit with his wife & kids to escape the violence in Ulster. What was not mention was that during the worst period of the troubles the crime and murder rate in Ulster was far lower than in many US cities including Detroit. Back in the UK we need to get back to called a spade a shovel and a cunt from Hartlepool a monkey. Don't forget that some cunts here call @Frank a Greek and worry about the girth of my appendage (actually my fingers are short and a bit stubby).
  13. I am asking my friend @Wolfie.
  14. Could you give us a background to your unusual thought processes?
  15. Are there any photos or video of you and @King Billy waving the Tricolour and Union flags together outside Belfast County Hall?
  16. I have booked a couple of nights in a Holiday Inn.
  17. Forget about the yanks etc .. think about these rioters, will they be at work this morning (or any morning)? If you have have a family and need to earn a wage, would you take the risk? The rioters will mostly be the unemployed with a chip on their shoulders, although a lot of them will be cunts that few would employ anyway. You can be sure that when looting happened that stuff like electronic and alcohol were prime targets and with designer trainers from Shoezone. 99% of them have little to lose, their kids will still be fed when they are in prison. You have to be incredibly stupid to risk losing your job.
  18. More people voted for them than voted for the Tories .. it does not matter what they said whilst in opposition. One hope that I do have is that (this might be part of a grand plan) is that those migrants who are waiting of hoping to cross the channel are seeing what is happening to those who are already here. You have remember that we as a country have to follow international conventions and that there are very severe penalties for breaching those conventions .. why take the risk when you have a few hundred far right and other thugs who will do the work for you with you simply wringing your hands and spouting platitudes
  19. I have been reading about these attacks on the hotels hosting the "migrants" .. wouldn't it be better and safer to house them offshore in old ships and barges.
  20. But Huw will be returning .. Returning to court that is.
  21. They are all the fucking same .. 14 years of the Tories, could have been hanging and flogging them.
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