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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Ape did .. not got your specs on?
  2. Could you tell us again about Tim Peake?
  3. September was a black month and October is turning out the same way
  4. I don't take a lot of notice of what the UK hating foreign sites such as CNN have to say but they did seem to be cosistent about Truss being a shape shifter and her speech 30 odd years ago at the LibDem conference and her switch to the Tory party in such a short space of time not too long afterwards looked to me like someone with no deep-seated beliefs/opinions other than me-me-me-me no matter what the cost (to others). She will walk away with £122k (index linked) for life .. te girl has done well (for herself).
  5. Truss is a known and proven shape shifter. I almost get the feeling that this is all a part of an agenda .. perhaps tp make things look so bad that there is "no alternative" but to rejoin the EU.
  6. @PANZER MURPHY has just stepped off the ferry at Holyhead and is on his way to London .. he is expected to see King Charles III tomorrow.
  7. Ebay .. make sure that the battery still charges.
  8. They implanted one of those dog chips into her brain by mistake .. Panzer has got the Psion Revo.
  9. Billy did you know that millions of dogs in the UK have had a microchip implanted into them and the dogs are now programmed to attack and kill people at random?
  10. I was thinking that gravity would be an ideal method to bring them down.
  11. Miles

    Mark Wright

    He's still getting over being destroyed by Wolfie.
  12. Is that what caused your head to swell up?
  13. I do now think that since Wolfie destroyed Baws that Decimus is now the best on here.
  14. Yes I have got better things to do .. what about you?
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