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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Much more likely that the boy ate the lion .. the africans are multiplying the lions like most other african big game are not.
  2. Billy has a qwerty keyboard in front of him, he knows that if he taps away you are going to respond. You could just ignore him.
  3. My near ancestors were not working class nor were they hard done by but most of the people I know were and still are working class, mostly white and their ancestors were hard done by .. They fought in wars and lived in what we would term poverty. They were not drugged up. Some of them were hard nuts and fond of a fight but they did not stab each other
  4. Perhaps we looking at it in the wrong way and instead we should be bleating about the injustices done to us. How done down we were as a nation over the past 70 years .. in truth the yanks robbed us after world war two and of course the French, Germans and Italians have pissed all over us.
  5. The cunt now owns and is fucking up Twitter. What's not to like?
  6. My thoughts are that your caravan (vardo) would not dare to catch fire.
  7. Why would this worry you .. do you not like Saturday?
  8. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/25/sport/world-cup-crusader-costumes-offensive-intl-scli/index.html
  9. Miles


    The "Fuck Off" was not directed at you Eric.
  10. Miles


    Pastronauts .. the ESA are planning to send a one-legged man to space. Fuck Off.
  11. Punkape is getting all 'orny at the mention of "pulling stick".
  12. The Bay is full of plastic scousers who claim to be Welsh.
  13. People miss the fact that she was born in Colwyn Bay which means that sher was Welsh.
  14. Dreadful when one thinks of Ireland as a welcoming place. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-63722681
  15. Get a sheet of paper and a pencil, write something that makes peace with the world and sign it. Afterwards go for a walk and if you are near a river, canal or the sea jump in and let the water fill your lungs, otherwise jump in the front of a fast moving HGV.
  16. But my commet re Baws comment is still fair.
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