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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The real question is what would you and your "friends" do with your time .. there is more to life than sniffing lines of fairy dust.
  2. Grizzlies and Polar bears are closely related .. Belugas often have scars from polar bear attacks .. belugas will break through thinner ice to breathe and polar bears know this and will lie in wait they will then try to tear off a chunk of meat with their claws and often succeed.
  3. He's measuring him for a ready to wear suit.
  4. The leopard was processing things visually and knew what it was doing .. cats behave a bit like an autistic person .. I suspect that they plan things.
  5. It started like a household tabby preparing to tease wolfie.
  6. A bit of advice .. if you start hanging around with the boys club stick to drinking hornymans tea.
  7. They only make a shooting brake.
  8. Perhaps its the "royal we"
  9. Range anxiety will be an issue until 500 miles + range and 15 minutes from 10% to full charge are available.
  10. The climate change advocate's perfect car .. The leftie's Ideal car .. yet Elon Musk is endorsing Donald Trump and driving a far right agenda that is hostile to his prize product .. personally if I was going to buy a car now I would look for a good used Matiz or a Trabant. Would you buy a Tesla?
  11. But he's only 48 years old.
  12. Ignore @scotty you old fart .. he's been sniffing lines of bone meal.
  13. You are still missing the point that misinformation (regardless of where it comes from) is now spread much more rapidly by social media.
  14. What started the unrest was the slaughter of three young girls, but Twitter and Facebook certainly did have an effect and speeded up the misinformation and spread of the riots. The effect that the fast spread of the misinformation has taken the focus off the original slaughter of those three little girls. Back in the late 1960 Mary Bell murdered two small boys and thirty years ago there was the murder of James Bulger by Thompson and Venables. There was much anger in both cases but there were no riots the information to the public came in slowly in slowly and the public anger was focused after the guilty verdicts and that is when the political debates took place. There was certainly shit stirring by some parts of the media but that media was some of the newspapers.. These days any arsehole can set up a social media page and post twisted and false content and fuckwits will read and believe it. At the moment we have a case going through the courts involving a total shitbag and fuckwith who believes that the Manchester Arena suicide bombing was faked .. he spread his bullshit via social media.
  15. What the fuck are you on about you dithering old fart.
  16. You do need to tread very carefully here .. Once Horrid Henry sinks his teeth into you, you will have a of lot trouble getting him to let go.
  17. Billy's lights were never on.
  18. I still cannot believe what he has done to himself.
  19. He said that he "had not done nothing wrong".
  20. You have to subscribe to see the fucking video!!!!!!!!
  21. Miles

    Riots in UK

    Well he can't sit down on a bench.
  22. Miles

    Riots in UK

    If its the one I think it is .. "Mr Jones, who has represented the Princes ward since 2019, will be unable to sit on the Labour benches at Dartford Borough Council meetings." .. I presume that they've been bumming him in the cells.
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