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Everything posted by Miles

  1. No he isn't but you are brain stem dead.
  2. Someone I know was asked it in an interview .. they did not like it when he asked them why they would want to grow a pile of shit.
  3. It was a bullet hole from a past life.
  4. Miles

    Robbie Williams

    I will say that Robbie is a good lad because he comes from up the potts.
  5. Have you ever been asked if you are prepared to "help grow the business"?
  6. I think that he is really a Nationalist European Republican prick and should be replying in French or German.
  7. The issue Pádrig is that English is a living language that continues to evolve .. it is not frozen in time you have British English, American English, Australian English .. even Irish English .. Irish English is of course the language that you speak and think in.
  8. That would mean that the other half are of high intelligence .. that means around 34 million of us.
  9. I will add my real honest opinion about the people crossing the channel in small boats .. the way they are being treated is evil and dispicable .. however the UK has got no option but to do everything possible to stop them coming and expell them from the UK if they manage to get here .. the evil cunts are these people smugglers and they need to be xterminated. The illegal migrants are not the UK's responsibilty.
  10. Come on Panzer .. the UK is now a rd wold country and Ireland is now one of the richest .. please put a few Euros in the hat!
  11. The problem is that "well meaning" and "not so well meaning" religious fuckwits tried to "civilize" them .. much the same story theworld over.
  12. Closer to the truth than many people realise .. were it not for the donations the population of Africa would not have risen to an unsustainable level .. most of them would be in the same situation as the "untamed" indigenous tribes of South America and parts of New Guinea .. living seft sustaining lives.
  13. Have you slipped anything into the hat?
  14. I am guessing that a few cunts here could at least afford a fiver or a tenner a month .. the cost of a subway or costa coffee a week. People do need to get their wallets out it is as easy as fuck to donate or set up a monthly account. (unless you are pissed).
  15. Panz has reponded to me just twice on principle for the last 8 years .. it is worth paying the cost of a coffee each week for that alone.
  16. "Please" mind your own fucking business.
  17. Miles

    Vodafone wifi

    He made a perfectly reasonable reply save for missing out the word "please" as in "Please" fuck off.
  18. Patricia Foy: Senior PSNI officer dismissed for drink-driving https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-64997078
  19. Good Morning @Wolfie how are you this morning?
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