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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The Metro things are made by Stadler in Spain similar to ones being supplied to Merseyrail. Re the arguments elsewhere .. its a mix of entrenched opinions and and mind-numbing shits stirring. I am not sure that there is a middle ground which is why I mentioned smart motorways. I have actually been kept alive and fairly health for the last 25 years by shoveling a load of pills down my throat every day. If most people took some of those pills they would be dead within a day. Its really a matter of context.
  2. What the fuck are you on about? You know exactly what I meant.
  3. What about if both Mrs R and Beast are both right? Different outcomes for different people. There are lots of people who have had all the jabs who remain perfectly healthy and doubtless some (and in the context of millions of people who have had all the jabs) for whom one or more of the jabs had had a negative effect. What do the statistic actually say .. think of smart motorways .. perfectly safe, but fatal for a few unfortunate people.
  4. slightly misleading in that as far as I ca see the longest prison sentence was 20 years and in spite of what the article says no actual life sentences. Some prison sentences were as short as 3 years. all will be eligible for payroll after the thirds of the sentences have been served. the women offenders seem to have been treated more lightly than the men .. In my opinion they are even worse than the men and should have received longer sentences .. following on from my previous post i do think that it should be illegal for any fuckwit .. female, male or whatever to befriend an imprisoned sex offender and that the legal system should treat and prosecute them also as sex offenders.
  5. If she plays the sax she can't be all bad.
  6. You need to live .. get more .. that garden party would be an eye opener for you.
  7. At as guess Trumpton could be charged with something or the other anywhere that he has been.
  8. Miles

    China Crisis

    I have been to Bradninch today .. an invite to a garden party .. Bradninch is a real redneck place.
  9. Miles

    Donald trump

    You really are loser Fends.
  10. Perhaps she was horrified by him.
  11. I hope that you get your wish by proxy for Raas Claat.
  12. It was into the 18th century at least and they were only finally stopped in the mid 1800s .. the Turks were actually still at it well into the 20th centre with some evidence of them enslaving kurds late as the early 1970s.
  13. Bearing in mind the sheer numbers involved in the Asian grooming groups you are not going to get the same detail .. as to the mug shots, you are not going to get pretty faces as the cunts who get caught will be sour faced. What is also worrying is the number of women who become penpals and visitos to the peados and child chillers who are locked away .. is any official record and watch kept of these women?
  14. Was there a fight .. that is what usually happens when scousers meet up with "family".
  15. I have been out and about this afternoon, There were a lot of grokels about but I did see a chiffchaff and a buzzard .. was much happening in Bebington today?
  16. Punkers and the others were all freed by admin earlier this week you idiot.
  17. You Ok Bro, are you having a good friday?
  18. Why are you bored .. you are always telling us that you have an interesting fun filled life.
  19. noun unexpectantly a person who expects or who waits in expectation. adverb unexpectantly (proscribed) unexpectedly.
  20. What on earth are you on about?
  21. I just remember that the people who actually worked on it were italians. I don'y even know whether it is still used.
  22. I have travelled on the Speno rail grinder.
  23. I do have a golf ball that I found and I did see a big pheasant cock a couple of weeks ago. TBH I do wonder whether Billy has a cock or balls as he does seem fixated with talking about them.
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