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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Good Evening @Ape™️ are you fine n' dandy this evening?
  2. Don't forget Steve Irwin .. his death was comedy genius.
  3. As I have said elsewhere I put both my phones in aeroplane mode and heard fuck all fuck off
  4. Miles

    'Emergency Text'

    I never heard it .. I put both phones in aeroplane mode. fuck off
  5. They only paid a small amount for us to complete a partly finished aircraft carrier that was going into mothballs .. During the early 2000s the British were planning to build two new aircraft carriers .. the French already had a new aircraft carrier but decided that they needed a second one as Thales had been involved with the British design they decided that their new carrier would be based on the British design but built in France. \the them procrastinated and decided that teir new carrier would be built during the second half of 2010s. Around 2010 they began to get feet and decided that has the British were also building a second aircraft carrier thay would only need one carrier. A douple years later the British announced that the building of the second carrier would be paused and when the superstructure was paused t wouls be put into store and could be offered for sale to an ally, it was then realised that there was a chance that the UK might leave UK, and a second French aircraft carrier might be good idea after all. Issues were the cost and that the Prince of Wales would be hard to convert to nuclear power and had also not ben built in France, however a French company Thales was losing out by the Prince of Wales not being completed. The background story is that the French then decided to chip in with the funding for Thales (a French company) to complete their part of the Prince of Wales carrier. The issue for the UK and France is that they separated by a stretch of International water that any country friendly, neutral or hostile can sail through thus it pays for the UK and France to co-operate .. in real terms outside the Commonwealth countries France is our closest ally .. forget the US of A. Actually the French are not cowards .. think Foreign Legion as one example .. their problem is that they have land borders
  6. I think that Prince of Wales has partly been funded by France by some devious means to enable them to delay building and commissioning a new aircraft carrier until the mid 2030s.
  7. You are the point of me @Ape™️
  8. You "can imagine" .. are you sure? Having an imagination is not exactly one of your strengths! lol !
  9. Miles

    Dr Who

    Do you have any thoughts about a Romany Dr Who?
  10. Miles

    Dr Who

    The reality is that it is actually the government of whatever party. Conservative, Labour, Libdem etc left or right that are driving this divisive agenda .. disuniting the united Kingdom turning the words British and English into a racist words I am not proud to English or British but I was born in England which is part of Britain and therefore I am English and also British and I do mind being called either. I am also probably far to the left of any of these plastic socialists .. most of them have monied backgrounds and if they are ashamed of it then they should give their money and other property away rather than trying to shame the rest of us.
  11. Miles

    Dr Who

    Ask King Billy what he does with his.
  12. Miles

    Dr Who

    TBH the BBC is under pressure from well-meaning but naive, halfwits who are not thinking things tough and reality are only pleasing an equally halfwitted small minority of the communities" they are claiming to speak for.
  13. You are a bit of a FAT head though.
  14. Miles

    Dr Who

    Have you got money troubles?
  15. Never look in the mirror and describe yourself.
  16. Be careful & ain't no pussy.
  17. A very nasty thing to say about Debbie Harry .. shame on you
  18. I thought a Bantam was a motorbike.
  19. My uncle used to have a lathe that he called Herbert.
  20. Miles


    You have always been very kind.
  21. I expect that you drive around in one of those big SUV "ANIMAL" things or have a HUMMER.
  22. They won't notice the difference.
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