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Everything posted by Miles

  1. These sad cunts need to grow up. Melt the locks down for scrap. New home found for love locks after outcry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c935gw2gxlyo
  2. I have read the various "secret war" books and R V Jones and co would today be seen as Hard Right. I can spot irony.
  3. If @Frank is eating all that lot he can't possibly be a thinny.
  4. The strange thing is that 80 years ago the "hard right" of this country were mostly fighting real hard right fascist, racist nazi cunts who were trying to invade and destroy this country.
  5. Harold does have job in the city you halfwit ..he empties the bins.
  6. Those are usually Turkish or Egyptian.
  7. I have seen it a few times .. usually the woman is at least 25 years older than the young stud who always claim that they have two kids from a previous relationship.
  8. I once saw a dog using a trowel to put mortar in gaps between bricks on a wall .. the dog was a pointer.
  9. So you read the daily mail.
  10. In the context of Decimus "suffering" is not the correct nomenclature .. he is infected but does not suffer any pain.
  11. Pentecostalism was the de facto state religion of Ulster.
  12. I have just watched an iPlayer Panorama repeat about this cunt .. his mother and brother came across as intelligent, decent and honest people .. I was puzzled by the lack of any mention of his father. The little amount of information there is shows that when they came to the UK the family settled at Haverfordwest in South Wales and attended a local Pentecostal church. Pentecostalism is in some ways comparable with devout islam in that the word of the gospel is interpreted literally word for word as the truth, a wonderful mindset for a potential suicide bomber or killer. Noting that the Southport suspect seems to come from a similar christian background I do wonder whether any common factors will emerge and "lessons learned" . It is noteworthy that Peter Sutcliffe claimed that God told him to kill those women he murdered and that some other murderers claimed the same.. this God person has got some explaining to do.
  13. No .. I think that she will get the MPs pension at 55.
  14. Yes and there is a horse attached to the trap.
  15. Had the silly cunts not done the prank she would have had no real publicity.
  16. I was not amused by this stunt. Liz Truss storms off stage after lettuce banner prank https://news.sky.com/story/liz-truss-storms-off-stage-after-lettuce-banner-prank-13196803
  17. The Laptop I have using now is one of the said "windows only" Lenovos that I managed to install Linux Mint on .. Mint does advise users to only Update to a new version if they need to or if the version of Mint is n longer supported .. imagine MicroSoft offering that advice re Windows!
  18. Sitting on my desk there is a Mini HP tower PC about the size of car radio and dating from 2014 that is happily running Windows 11 Pro.
  19. Wasn't there some whinging tv presenter who was calling herself "doctor" when it turned out that her "qualifications" were from some unregistered online "university"?
  20. You might need to go into the BIOS and disable something I have forgotten what it is but it is there to stop you loading other operating systems but it will also stop you from loading new versions of Windows. I have a Lenovo Laptop that only allows you to load Windows but managed to Install Linux by disabling this OS protection thing perhaps Our Beloved Leader or @Cuntybaws might know?
  21. Stick to Doze 10 .. does it have an SSD harddrive?
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