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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Eric, I have just totally filled the pan.
  2. Take a break from cock watcching @King Billy .. what are you thpughts on this poor granny and her friend? Anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists found guilty of planning to destroy 5G phone masts 60-year-old Christine Grayson and Darren Reynolds, who dubbed themselves 'Bonnie and Clyde with a box of matches', believed 5G phone masts were designed to be used as a weapon against people who had received the Covid-19 vaccine. https://news.sky.com/video/anti-vaccine-conspiracy-theorists-found-guilty-of-planning-to-destroy-5g-phone-masts-12894395
  3. Miles


    @Dyslexic cnut?
  4. Its made of glassbeer bottles that @Decimus gave him.
  5. Miles


    Ignore him Ape .. its all a load of bollocks.
  6. Do your parents know that you are posting here?
  7. TBH if anyone can be described as "sinister" it is you .. most likely your inane rantings here being drug fueled.
  8. Why do you keep throwing your choppers out of the peramblator?
  9. Do you know whether the swallowtails are flyig at Strumpshaw Fen yet?
  10. Mr Kneller comes from Crewe .. I bet he now wishes that he used the train rather than his car and left his laptop at home.
  11. Wondring if mother is single parent and if so how she could afford a likely £1000 plus for machine (probably buying it on credit. Thoughts go back to that "little 14 ears old drug dealer" who was killed riding his moped a few years back .. also that stupid little 15 year old cunt who now licks windows who fell of a moped when some old codger raised his hands .. that was somewhere around Hemel Hempstead.circa 2015.
  12. What was your quote about the "little 14 year old boy who was just riding his moped" when he was killed by a drug dealer? Circa 2018 I think.
  13. You are very chopper err chipper this evening.
  14. @Ape™️ never stops giving.
  15. Are you one of these lycra clad cunts who who wll be riding their bikes along the A379 delaying traffic? I don't see the poit of it .. a bit like flying toy helicopters.
  16. Good Evening @Ape™️ hun .. you ok?
  17. Miles

    Mrs McCann

    You do need to admit that you are toadying cunt who is now firmly up Wolfies back passage.
  18. Do you spend your days (and nights) watching this? Are you a mong in a wheelchair?
  19. Looks like Rolf Harris as a teenager.
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