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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Bye Bye Borris

    @Cunty BigBollox any thoughts of a respons?
  2. Have you taken your tablets?
  3. Decco it is you who needs help .. a council professional spending his time ranting and bullying at random people he does not actaually know.
  4. Miles

    Bye Bye Borris

    Get yourself on an anger management course @Ape™️ lol lol
  5. Miles

    Bye Bye Borris

    Poor Nadine Dorries too.
  6. https://www.itv.com/news/2023-06-09/boris-johnson-quits-as-mp Before you moan because I have not put more details Fuck Off
  7. He was the kindest boy ever .. have some respect. https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2023-06-09/family-of-teenager-killed-in-e-bike-crash-say-he-was-the-kindest-boy-ever
  8. It was just a polite question.
  9. Any particular reason for that response @Ape™️ .. are you ok?
  10. Did I ever mention the first aider who was sent down to platform 2 at Crewe to see if he could help a man who had fell in front of a train .. all he found was a head stuck on the front coupling of the locomotive. The first aider resigned as a first aider there and then .. out of interest his first name was Frank.
  11. It is far worse than that .. it really is his sister.
  12. Have you met any of these Utility Warehouse flogging cunts? This is an MLM racket ehich Ithought was now illegal .. you buy their Utility package .. landline, mobile, electric, gas etc .. the mobile comes with just 2gig. and you then try to sell the same package to others and et £300 for each sale .. in theory easy but in truth a lot of work with few taking up the offers because lots ofothers are already trying to sell the same package the £120k loser is also trying to flog the ultility warehouse packages.
  13. I do know two people (who you would have thought they would have known better) who have falled for similar rackets .. one lost £120k .. they were schemes where you basically made money by telling other cunts how you could make money by telling cunts how you could make money .. th one who lost £120kis now following the Prosperity Bible Racket where you believe that the good lord will make you rich if you hve the good fortune to become rich (if you do become rich you give most of it to the Prosperity Church) but in the meantime while you are hoping to become rich you give £100 a month to the Properity Church.
  14. On Friday I saw an old cunt walking along Paignton prom who you would have said "You look just like Rolf Harris!" If old Rolfie had not been prosected for an henious crime and was not dead. The old cunt was a dead ringer for Rolfie.
  15. The Good Dad, Bad dad cunt fucked up eventually before fucking things up for a lot of dopey cunts. People fell for those Denis Green chain letter things back in the 80s & 90s and cunts were still trying it on the internet 20 year ago.
  16. Before the scandal and the news that Phil Schofield was a puff did you like him (Phil Schofield that is)?
  17. You don't get out very much do you .. it looks exactly the same as 95% of "marshfield mothers" with at least 4 kids in tow.
  18. Looking at the statistics and removing the daily klingon deaths and the Indian railway system is relatively safe overall. a large network intensivelly used deaths in proprtion low. It is a good eaxple of the "one death is a tragedy, a million deaths are statistic". Actually India is spending too much money on buying new trains and rwbuilding old stations when the money would be better spent on track and signalling. This is something that is happening in the UK .. ye some of our trains were old (built between the late 1970s and the 1990s but the new trains are not an improvement on and them and are often less reliable. Why all this bother about Zach Bridges?
  19. Many years ago an ex ambulanceman told me about a car crash that he had attended. When he got there he found that the front seat passeneger was still conscious and talking but he was trappep in the car by a sheet of metal that had cut into his body. as they worked away the man carried on talking and said that he could not feel below his waist. It was not until about 30 minutes into the rescue attempt that they found that the metal had severed his body below the waist and must have sealed the blood vessels and they realised that there was no way they could remove the man without killing him. Suddely the man said "can you tell my missus that I won't be home for tea?" and his head fell forward and he was dead.
  20. A similar type of crash at Lewisham in 1957 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewisham_rail_crash
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