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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The Scottish (devoutely muslim) First Minister is objecting to a migrant hostel ship being used in Scotland .. he says that these mgrants have struggled to get here and should be respected and rewarded for their efforts to get here. This raises the prospect that he would welcome all these migrants into Scotland. Guessing that some 50,000 at least are arriving in the UK and that if they are settled they would be allowed to bring the rest of their family members with them (add to that extra numbers that would come each year)and they could all be moved to an independant Scotland we could rekon that within 10 years the indigenous Scots would be outnumbered. Actually it is likely that most of the indiginous Scots would move south to England (or to Northern Ireland) in such a scenario we would then likely have an hostile islamic republic on our borders .. doubtless Nicola Sturgeon would move South to England and for some kind of groupling to reclaim Scotland for the indigenous Scots (which would of course be racist).
  2. Well get a better tempered dog or buy an hamster and watch it running on its wheel.
  3. Cunts still talking about retrieving the bodies .. mostly likely they were crushed to the size of an oxo cube so likely to have been eaten by the fishes or whatever else lives at that depth.
  4. Fender .. take a leaf out of you Uncle Frank's book and buy yoursel a little dog and take it for walks, it will calm you down.
  5. He does seem to be a bit delicate .. I think that rather than "snowy" he should adopt the username "petal".
  6. I had a nice chat with the people who live in that little cottage by the level crossing at Strumpshaw .. lovely people.
  7. Strumpshaw Fen for the swallowtail butterflies .. I will be there again in August.
  8. There was no need for them to go there. Go into any coffee shop in Sidmouth and you will see plenty of old wrecks.
  9. They are are sub-human comments.
  10. It was a crushing tragedy.
  11. Have some respect.. they were true explorers and now they are truly dead
  12. I have a neighbour who believes that the earth is completely flat .. I asked him to explain Everest .. he said that was an anomaly but Ted Moult shot himself.
  13. He looks to be a bit gullible.
  14. What is all this about @Ape™️ ? Do you need to talk to someone?
  15. Didn't Michael Hutchench have a still life of himself hanging off a door?
  16. In his case he would fall off the edge of the horizon.
  17. These "Elvises" usually do swear a lot.
  18. The Canadian Clairvoyants err Navy have heard "knocking" sounds .. Is anybody there?
  19. Class nom. .. I bert that they are hiding out with Elvis and Lord Lucan.
  20. Feel no shame Frank .. I see a picture of myself as I go into the hallway .. the wall is lined with full-height mirrors.
  21. A difficult one morally but all we had to do was to offer them is a place on a barge. The nedia will continue regardless .. there is a good living to be made in moralisng about the so-called rights and wrongs but they all seem to miss the fact that Africa is a big place and all these people would have been better off remaining there and maybe their parents should not have had all those dozens of kids in the first place.
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