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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Its a lovely place Eric. I have walked from Shanklin to Ventnor over Boniface Hill a few times .. in August there are lots of Chalkhill Blue Butterflies on Boniface Hill. I don't think that Raspeberry Claat likes butterflies
  2. Good numbers of White Admirals and Silver-washed Fritillaries but Comma numbers are low .. have you seen many Small Coppers?
  3. I am deaf so I would not have heard a silent agreement .. Albert's modus etc was very much that of a teengaged student type. Which is what i think that you likely are .. are you a trained astro-fisasistsic by any chance?
  4. I was not albert ross you dreary empty-headed lump of shit .. funny that you should bring up that name at random .. was it you?
  5. Just to help keep your breakfast down "Presumed human remains have been found within the wreckage of the Titan submersible, the US Coast Guard says. Pieces from the sub, which imploded on a deep dive to the Titanic, were unloaded in St John's, Canada, on Wednesday. Officials say the sub's landing frame and a rear cover were found among the debris. US medical professionals will conduct a formal analysis of presumed remains, the coast guard said in a statement."
  6. I will try that .. where would I get a mango from and why would that cause a problem?
  7. Haven't you gone to bed yet?
  8. I suspect that he might be a 35 stone heavyweight.
  9. https://www.itv.com/news/2023-06-26/mum-says-she-gave-her-place-on-titanic-submersible-to-teen-son Mum reveals she gave her place on Titanic submersible to her teenage son
  10. C'mon @Ape™️ cheer up and cut the anger out.
  11. Did she keep you hanging on the telephone?
  12. There was a baking soda powered rocket and I think that there was also a baking soda powered submarine .. could never understand why they did not give these fun toys away with BUNTY.
  13. So the 19 year old is unlikely to have truly "bonded" with his father?
  14. They are certainly posthumous stupid cunts of the for June 2023.
  15. Two sisters who had cancer .. the names never change .. get your eyes checked .. I do not photograph signalboxes or level crossings.
  16. I will say the same to you as I will say to @Decimus, @Jake The Muss, @Wolfie, @Ape™️ and a few other nonentities .. unlike you and those others I have mentioned I am happy and content with my lot in life. .. enjoy or should I say endure your day.
  17. Devoute Muslim blokes wear dresses anyway .. just like rabbis and bishops. Being transgender, however, was designated by Khomeini as a sickness that was able to be cured through gender-affirming surgery. Since the mid-1980s, the Iranian government has legalized the practice of sex reassignment surgery (under medical approval) and the modification of pertinent legal documents to reflect the reassigned gender. In 1983, Khomeini passed a fatwa allowing gender reassignment operations as a cure for "diagnosed transsexuals", allowing for the basis of this practice becoming legal.
  18. Actually you are wrong on that point Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ruled that homosexuality was a crime against god and should be punished by death but that changing sex was acceptable and legal.
  19. No, I identify as the train passing Gloucester that Stubby is looking out for.
  20. Don't you identify as a goose?
  21. Is it true that your flower has wilted .. should we call you deadhead?
  22. Richard Basefart always seemed to get around these problems in VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA.
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