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Posts posted by Miles

  1. On 20/08/2024 at 22:10, ChildeHarold said:

    That was a wild guess.   Vintage telly was good for animal shows

    Johnny Morris

    Armand and Michaela Denis 

    Gerald Durrell

    Peter Scott

    all we have now is the Attenborough I get fucking fed up hearing about his latest bowel movement I'm sure the media has a tracking device attached to a fold of his skin so they can follow his reproductive cycle.   Does David return to his beach on the other side of the world to lay eggs in the moonlight?



    I don't mind Atty .. it the tedious pretend autistic, poodle freezing Chris Packham who makes me vomit.

  2. 32 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:


    These little fuckers don't give up do they? 

    This guy made the calculated decision not to have this fucker destroyed or give it up to one of the groups advocating against the law "It's not the dogs fault...". Instead he fed it this is how he was rewarded.  

    Death.  Hello RSPCA.  Hello dog lovers.   Hello Royal College of Vets.  


    It wasn't the dog's fault .. why did the police murder it?

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    That was a wild guess.   Vintage telly was good for animal shows

    Johnny Morris

    Armand and Michaela Denis 

    Gerald Durrell

    Peter Scott

    all we have now is the Attenborough I get fucking fed up hearing about his latest bowel movement I'm sure the media has a tracking device attached to a fold of his skin so they can follow his reproductive cycle.   Does David return to his beach on the other side of the world to lay eggs in the moonlight?



    Peter Scott's first wife was a bit of a raver.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I may not know much, Pen, but what I do know is funny.

    Frank himself will openly admit that other than a recent piss-poor impression of a water fowl, he's not raised anyone's pecker since Walnut.

    I was just asking.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Physically, mentally and metaphorically, you're currently at the stage of a terminally AIDS-riddled Freddie from the "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" video.

    You had me toe-tapping and singing along for years, but now everytime I see one of your posts I just feel awkward and sad for you.

    The show must go on, but as someone who cares deeply for you, I'd rather you just called it a day once and for all.

    No offence.


    Is this an expert opinion or is it just another of your drink & drug fueled rants?

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, Frank said:

    I think DC was probably a decent well-to-do chap a couple of decades ago, Dave, despite all the faux-fingering. These days he reminds me pretty much of myself... totally shot to pieces. 

    I think that he is like New Brighton Tower, it stood taller than Blackpool Tower but was neglected during the first world war and went rusty and had to be sold for scrap.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I think they summed it up perfectly when they announced that a new submarine project would be overseen by women and minorities rather than the traditional engineering hierarchy of ‘middle-aged white men’. 
     It all went really well. Ten minutes into its first dive, it flattened like a pancake and liquidised everyone inside. A big success and anyone who disagrees is probably a far right terrorist.

    Ol' Whitey will still be there to help.

  8. 13 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Truss you. You cantilever the jokes can you.

    This does bring back memories of some neighbours with the surname Bridges .. Girda and Arch seemed ok but I always had doubts about their son Roger.

  9. 45 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    He'll still be remembered long after Rodney Dangerfield, Frank Carson, Roy Walker, Jack Benny, and the other losers fade away.  I don't think. 😕

    Do you remember Grahame Dangerfield?

  10. 3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

    I agree, Pen. In fact, the whole bridge should be melted down, as it is an eyesore in the pretty little town.


    One of my neighbours at Crewe was very partial to a Bakewell Tart .. they used to meet in the car park at The Cat & Fiddle near Macclesfield to have a drink and then go for a walk on the moors together.

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