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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    The first two were free lancers.   I can remember when Harris first popped up on the small screen as a slightly nutty hyperactive painter who did this one thing - a bit of art work using a decorating brush.  As he graduallly expanded his repertoire into a bit of song and dance, presenting, comedy  etc I became more and more sceptical about the cunt having any real talent.   Somebody was definitely helping his career along.   I always thought he was a bit iffy after that crude song "Jake the Peg".   Then he found a commercial key in Animal Hospital.  *

    * or was given it. 

    "Sun Arise" in the top ten 60 years ago.

  2. 22 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    The Pope has recently criticised both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump but urging American Catholics to vote anyway.   What do you think about this? 

    He doesn't think .. he simply twitches when an electrical current is applied to his brain stem.

  3. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Maybe we should supply them with dummy planes like in WW2 when we had inflatable tanks and shit so the square heads in the Luftwaffe kept bombing and wondering how the fuck we were replacing them so quick. 

    They could bomb those inflatable boats that keep crossing the channel.

  4. 6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Hasn't the fact that Zelenskyyiskyy or whatever the fuck he's called was a TV comedian actually called into qurstion why the fuck we should take any of this bullshit seriously?   The guy's so obviously a plant he looks like a fucking dodgy DPD driver.   Cunt. 

    At least he doesn't work for Everi.

  5. I had seven siblings all bar one are dead .. a not unique situation when the youngest (myself was 21 years younger than the eldest). I had parents too. Are you a figment of my imagination .. are you of African or European extract or are you making things up about you racial identity? I have actually told you by pm re my deceased sisters and their funeral details. Have you never lost a sibling? Do you call all people who have lost siblings liars?

  6. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    The cunt is suffering from the relentless hidings he's had over the years, Decs. All he ever does here is talk about the Boys Club, how you, Wolfie, myself and DC are gay, calling me Windrush and sucking @Miles' cock. Lol.

    Even @Frank made him look a stupid cunt the other day and he still turns up with absolutely no shame or self awareness ready for his next kicking. It really cheers me up knowing he's in his own personal hell in real life. Even here, on this site full of characters and lunatics he cannot take his deserved hidings on the chin like a man. 

    Definitely on his GP's suicide watchlist. Lol. 


    You ok Boy?

  7. A puzzle in the news today is that 8 migrants have died in the channel overnight .. I find this misleading as there are no reports of people falling overboard from advertised passenger vessels .. rather that these people have died have fallen from illegal small dingies .. surely they were actually people illegally attempting to enter the uk?

    • Like 2
  8. 30 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Do they still fucking hate tourists?    They are so fucking virulently anti English it makes Straw Dogs seem like Bambi.   Cornish Cunts.    They deserve every Ruck Stein fishy burger in Padstein.

    I have explained to some of them that they are English but they are simple country yokels.

  9. 3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Obviously it’s all very expensive. But it’s a bit cold and stark for my tastes Ed. Like the kind of place you might wake up in a bathtub full of ice with a line of stitches where your left kidney used to be. 
    And what is it with those paintings you keep buying? Unless you’ve got a 3 year old mongoloid kid painting them and you’re putting them up out of sympathy, there’s really no place for that sort of thing outside a muppet movie pre-production office. I always had you down as a ‘Velvet Elvis’ man.

    I've already paid for the kidney.

  10. 21 minutes ago, and said:

    Do you think it's wise publishing your medical records on a public forum @Decimus ?

    After all, most of us are already aware of your shortcomings.

    BTW, you missed out the narcissism and sociopathy. Hope that helps 😃

    He is the man who mistook his wife for a hat.

  11. 22 hours ago, southerncunt said:

    And you are?

    You do come across as old and miserable.  The sort who would spend his day staring at milk bottles trying to turn the milk sour. Thinking that the dog loves you when it sits there with its tail between its legs and knows that you are a miserable old cut.

  12. 18 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Is Pen your boyfriend? I'd dread to see the contents of your PM inbox, swapping various dick pics back and forth like a couple of sex crazed students. "Hers" constantly being rejected due to an upload size limit, and yours still with your rabbi's lipstick on it.

    You both make me fucking sick.

    Dick Pics are your speciality .. you are sick in the head .. I wonder what a brain doctor would make of you?

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