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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Let's face it .. its well worth £10 a month to read his bleating.
  2. Miles

    Mental Health

    You are not very well are you .. it is the CBD having any effect?
  3. You are a DOM .. Dirty old man aren't you?
  4. I rather think that some of you lack a sense of Huwmour.
  5. Huw knew all along https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-66159469
  6. We need @Earl of Punkape to confirm that dedicated christians are not like that.
  7. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-are-we-so-obsessed-with-tv-presenters/
  8. It can't be him .. he's a dedicated christian and goes to church every sunday .. he also plays the organ.
  9. Unlikely to be him, but if it turns out to be the person who's name is being bandied around it will be messy for that person even if no criminal charges are brought and he is not named.
  10. What sort of footwear did those ancient & fierce Scotsmen wear .. was it £500 trainers and slip=ons?
  11. I think that it has passed from Murdoch ownership .. current owner is Comcast .. what is described as an American family owned business but Sky does still have a big chip on its shoulder re the BBC. Its ambition has always been to destroy and replace the BBC. I don't think that the lad has been paid off, I simply think that Sky has been sold a pup and has gone with it.
  12. He's Welsh so it won't be him.
  13. Its the fucking woke middle class that needs to be replaced. Cunts like this one.
  14. You are not a binman .. you are far too thick to be a binman,
  15. The poor fucker is like you fucked up from lines of coke .. although his was only cherry max.
  16. This reminds me of a day back int he late 1960s when I saw a 30ish very fat circa 25 stone woman come of a shop with a load of shopping and strap it to the back of what I think was a 50cc mobylette moped and then ride off along a road that rose about 400 feet in a couple of miles, everyone could hear that moped struggle up the hill for at least 15 minutes. I was told that she kept house for her widowed dad they lived in a cottage at the top of the hill. I did wonder how she safely made it down that hill because I am sure that the oped's brake would never stop her weight. I saw the same woman about 15 years later at the same shop, by that time she was oozing in and out of a Fiat 126.
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