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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Good Evening @Ape™️ .. chop! chop!
  2. Couldn't they just freeze dry the problem teenagers and rehydrate them when they are at a more sensible age such as 50. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1792555/London-Bromley-Glades-children-ban-MP 'I've witnessed the problems myself!' MP defends shopping centre's children ban
  3. That was Nantwich .. they rowed up the River Weaver.
  4. It worth looking at the voiciferous alternative views. A 20 year old moslem "Dane" who is afraid to leave her home because she wears the full face and body veil .. sorry love but you have made your own choice and if you are so devout you should be prepared to face (although) covered ridicule .. leberal cunts who want to welcome the migrants to do all the nasty low end jobs rather than our own native unskilled workers to do those jobs .. the working class do know that it is the Liberals that hate them. It is not (Leftie (Liberals) it is fucking LIBERALS! The makers of these liberal videos are so up their own arses that they cannot see that they are racists.
  5. The mistake they are making is that they are not anchoring the migrant barge off Rockall.
  6. Miles

    Mental Health

    Annual leave or sick (gardening) leave?
  7. So speaks a great (crack riddled) mind.
  8. Miles

    Mental Health

    Whilst we on the subject of mental health .. what are your thoughts about people who say that they have been abducted by aliens and taken aboard flying saucers?
  9. Miles

    Mental Health

    Was it on the level of this charmer .. a former Mayor Exmouth? Not sure about the use of the word Libtard .. my thoughts are in the case of Mr Humpreys and other similar cases are that rather than tormenting them with long prison sentences I would give them a nice terminal dose of Morphine. This is actually only one of a few similar cases with council members in the county of Devon. It does appear that certain sections of public life allow these people to flourish in plain sight. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58286528 Former Exmouth mayor who sexually abused two boys jailed for 21 years
  10. Miles

    Mental Health

    Up until around 20 years ago THE SUN was posting sexualised pictures of girls of 16 and sometimes younger indeed the when Murdoch took the paper over he built up its huge readership by posting such pictures on page three and the Daily Mirror (former owners of The Scum) soon copied him. Pictures of16 year old girls were frequesnt amougst those of 18 and 19 year olds and neither paper seemed afraid to also post similar pictures of semi-attired 15 and sometimes 14 year old girls at the slightest excuse. On social media I am seeing dirty old men of 75+ ranting about Huw Edwards behaviour and then on following posts reposting Page 3 images from 50 years olf of what would now would be classed as undergage girls. Yes Huw Edwards behaviour was wrong but it does not match what the likes of Savile and some of the others were up to.
  11. I will wager that Drews liver is in better condition than yoursor Deccos and in far better condition that Billys big fat mouth from all the spunk Billy has drunk from trannies cocks.
  12. I bet that your ring is still throbbing.
  13. This is one example of where the BBC needs to be brought under proper control .. let Sky, ITV etc do the shit stirring. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-66108599 Migrant barge: Portland is a dumping ground, residents say
  14. I will be in Dunoon or Wemyss Bay.
  15. Baw's and Wolfie have chickened out.
  16. You got the answer you deserve.
  17. You are really easy to draw .. there is nothing to you.
  18. Good Evening my friend .. is everything hunky dory with you?
  19. I seem to be drawing you.
  20. I am trying to remember the name of this presenter who you are so distressed about .. is his name Nigel?
  21. Let's face it .. its well worth £10 a month to read his bleating.
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