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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Wiffles in an entitled little twat
  2. Things have changed .. Billy is now classed as an illegal and has got a berth waiting for him on the Bibby Stockholm.
  3. The police in Belfast are investigating a "hate crime" where a man was show on video using a loud speaker to express his opinions re cunts at the Belfast Pride event. Doubtless many of the individuals who are claiming that this was a hate crime will have the opposite opinion re the the rights of the fuckwit from South Wales who spent several years blabbing away on a loudspeaker outside Parliament in Westminster because he did not like the fact that the UK was leaving the European Union. That too was a form of hate speech but according to a lot of like minded cunts was ok.
  4. Good Evening @Ape™️ have you been flying your chopper today or was it too windy?
  5. Other peoples dogs and their owners are cunts .. you must know that.
  6. Coffee and biscuits.
  7. They need a painter .. any volunteers? https://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2023-07-29/christian-painter-refused-to-work-for-gay-couple-due-to-guidelines-from-church
  8. I think that Benders brain has gone mushy .. he used to be a nice lad before the mad cow disease got him.
  9. I managed to sneak a little ride on a special train from Paignton last night that was returning to Ipswich .. I was tempted to travel all the way but hopped off at Exeter St David's.
  10. Paris Hilton is not an HRH.
  11. I fail to see what Dismal has such a low opinion of the honesty of the gentleman he mentions in this nomination .. he was wrongly found guilty.
  12. My cousin's German Shepherds ripped the throat out of his Staffie.
  13. What pray is wrong with Fife Robertson?
  14. I think that he is on 48/7
  15. My farmer cousin has been having a run in with one of these cunts. Moaning like fuck and complaining about the pile of manure he has left in the fiend behind the hedge next to this cunt's cottage and being reported because he was ploughing the field at 1PM. Farm work does not run nine til five.
  16. He would possibly have survive had the cunt dialed 999 .. should still have faced a murder conviction. https://news.sky.com/story/killer-driver-alexander-mckellar-caught-after-taking-girlfriend-to-peat-bog-grave-where-he-had-buried-charity-cyclist-tony-parsons-12928441
  17. I have yet to see any sign of humour from either you or SC.
  18. For the last 12 years of her life my dear departed mother always took her false teeth out to eat. The shame of her doing that has haunted me for the near 42 years since she died.
  19. I understand that they become virgins again after death.
  20. TBH he/she/their does have a point, there are a fair number of people who have done nothing useful in life but live off the success of their parents or grandparents .. Pris Hilton is a good example of this and the same is true of some of The Beatles offspring.
  21. I would hazard a guess and say that you could do this quite easily on most footpaths if you don't look where you are going.
  22. I am not convinced that you are telling the truth.
  23. Being a mooslim she will now be one of a suicide bombers 72 virgins in paradise.
  24. You do have to admit that she is 'ot.
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