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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    Is anything here real with you elevating yourself from a dedicated on the dole scouser to driving a Bentley .. are you a drug dealer?
  2. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    At least you are not rattled Wolfie
  3. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    Friday lunchtime coke?
  4. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    Good morning Ape .. its good o know that I am bonding with you
  5. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    The the issue is that good or bad @Frank is far more interesting than you .. you just appear to me to be a dreary old man .. real ale drinker you might be but it will not be in a pub as you will likely be more of a dreary "Davenport's Beer at home" (alone) sort.
  6. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    Out of likes.
  7. I think that with all this anger that there might be a bit of Latino in you Bender.
  8. Sussex bell-ringer who revealed her terminal cancer on Songs of Praise has her story questioned by police, judges and former friends after bells from the Vatican to the North Pole were rung in her name. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12451205/Sussex-bell-ringer-revealed-terminal-cancer-Songs-Praise-story-questioned-police-judges-former-friends-bells-Vatican-North-Pole-rung-name.html
  9. Thank you .. I do always try to see the best in people.
  10. Its not often that I agree with you but assbook and twatter/X are full of individuals in the UK who worship Trump, but anyone even a single active neuron should be able see that just seeing a picture of him or hearing a few seconds of Trump speaking should be be telling them that the man is afraud, conman, shyster and is totally deranged and detached from reality.
  11. It is the look of the little boy who broke into the sweet shop and got caught.
  12. He told me that you installed his combi boiler.
  13. Do you have any thoughts about Oliver Anthony's teeth?
  14. There is another issue that I am working on .. I have a friend I talk to in the cafe .. he is in his late 70s owns an apartment worth £350 and has £250k stashed in an account. He has a daughter whom he has disowned and he is desperate to prevent from inheriting anything from him wen he pops his clogs. I have got an idea how I can help him but I am finding it hard to find a form of words that suggest that an option that I have in mind that would solve his problem and from which I would be acting in anything other than his best interests.
  15. Thank you for the offer but it is too late for that. I will simply have to learn to live with it and perhaps seek help for PTSD.
  16. There is nothing that I can do about it other than to use the comment when you aren't looking.
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