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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Never heard of them .. were they irons?
  2. I have never heard of her or him.
  3. You put a terror suspect in the prison kitchen where he has access to knives. He did not use the knives to stab anyone thankfully but does manage to escape by hiding under van whilst dressed as a chef. There is an all airports and sea port alert but doubtless by this time he is somewhere in an islamic paradise. Surely there must be nice island somewhere where they could machine gun the cunts if they try to escape.
  4. Have you been drinking some of Wolfies parsnip wine?
  5. Birmingham ain't had no bus station for hundreds of years .. 1990 at least .. its like Lundon where the buses park along streets allover the place and you can never find the bus that goes to where you want to go. TBH bus stations only really work in smaller towns .. even Plymouth has got rid of its bus station.
  6. Dreadful place .. would rather have Wolverhampton or Coventry.
  7. You are really hitting the parsnip wine tonight.
  8. What's the reckoning that you spend your days sozzled on blackberry or parsnip wine?
  9. Those would be the ladyboy massage parlours run by King Billy.
  10. It is far more important than high finance or politics.
  11. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    It does not matter .. you do not own or drive a one year old or indeed any Bentley.
  12. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    I do not own a donkey or a mule .. sorry.
  13. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    There could be a few of them around.
  14. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    I have never worked there .. and I have never been in the factory either Fiddler .. I don't like you and I don't like the bullshitting creeping Dyslxesick Cunt either .. enjoy your day winding up the other second rate bullshitters
  15. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    Let us leave the fiddler to is fate and concentrate on @Dyslexic cnuts bullshitting .. Bentley's are an exclusive make of car and there is a long waiting list to buy new and newish Bentleys .. even a one year old Bentley .. it is not like buying a Audi or even a Mercedes. To buy a modern Bentley you need to be rich .. very rich. An owner of a modern Bentley will almost certainly own other quality cars. I lived in Crewe (from home of Bentley) 1957 to 2009 .. I know people who worked at the factory and who still work at the factory and I also know that the company still keeps track of every car made at that factory and I doubt that DC fits the profile of anyone who be driving a modern Bentley.
  16. Miles

    4x4 cunts

    TBH what I am seeing here is the bitching of a load of spotty teenagers who have never lived.
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