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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Difficult .. have you talked to a shrink about this?
  2. Miles

    Russell Brand

    He also made love to a chair.
  3. Miles

    Russell Brand

    I thought that single origin Columbian would be more to your taste. The one in the little green jars from Sainburys is quite good.
  4. Miles

    Russell Brand

    Mr Edwards is not untidy looking and does not use eyeliner. Mr Brand appears to have all the qualities for the media to do a hatchet job on him and well and truly stitch him up regardless of whether or not what he did was consensual or legal at the time. I do not like what I have read about either Mr Edwards or Mr Brand but I remain opposed to trial by the media or social media shite members.
  5. Its good that you are still here Panzer.
  6. Miles

    Russell Brand

    I even left the front door unbolted and yet nothing happened.
  7. Miles

    Russell Brand

    I'm off to bed raasberry .. sleep tight.
  8. Miles

    Russell Brand

    Why drag Frank in to it and what is the "lying" bit about?
  9. Also not sure how you would drag an 8 bedroom caravan down the M40
  10. Miles

    Russell Brand

    What is going on with rass .. is it a nervous thing of a full-blooded mental breakdown?
  11. Miles

    Russell Brand

    I am usually in bed by then.
  12. Miles

    Russell Brand

    mt air-headed threats.
  13. Miles

    Russell Brand

    You ok Wolfie .. have you been at the Thatchers cider again?
  14. Miles

    Russell Brand

    Fake outrage .. jumping on band waggons.
  15. Miles

    Russell Brand

    Like you raas Russell is likely a pretty vile individual however at the moment he is being tried and prejudged by the media. What I know about him I do not like but be fair to the man if he has committed a criminal offence or offences he should be tried by a judge and jury not by a few crack brained know-all fuckwits.
  16. Miles

    Russell Brand

    You are high on crack at the best of times, one here all day and night. You OK babes?
  17. Miles

    Russell Brand

    raas is living proof that all dogs should be muzzled.
  18. Miles

    Russell Brand

    Sorry babes .. U ok?
  19. Miles

    Russell Brand

    rassie babes .. I do read the news. Guilty or not poor Russell is dead in the water, leave him alone .. like DC you have always be very fourth rate .. devoid of a personality or soull.
  20. Miles

    Russell Brand

    It is going to dominate the news during the party political conference season.
  21. Miles

    Russell Brand

    Or put the pair of them in a room with 10 XL Bullys.
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