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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I am wondering whether you have any tips on how to purse your lips and not lose your temper?
  2. I don't think that the moral high is actually all that distant .. the problem is that they are at the bottom of the hill but are unable to climb up the said hill.
  3. Yes .. didn't the Krays have some friends like that .. "they decapitated me best mate but he's still big friends wiv them".
  4. I was just thinking of you @Ape™️ .. yet another
  5. Some people thought that the Three Degrees were hot.
  6. Am I right in thinking that the period in question was the dates between 31st August and 1st October 2023 (exclusive)?
  7. Everyone is entitled to make a mistake .. your mistake was being born.
  8. Is this you Wolfie?
  9. Miles

    French Bed Bugs

    I have never been on a Eurostar .. are they like the pacer trains?
  10. Miles

    French Bed Bugs

    TBH they could actually be Dutch, German or Spanish or even English ones that went the wrong way and are heading back home.
  11. They're on their way. https://www.itv.com/news/2023-10-04/bedbugs-in-paris-eurostar-steps-up-its-cleaning-routine-to-stop-uk-infestation
  12. Couldn't you try having a sense of humour you miserable old twat?
  13. Seemingly 100k + people have signed a petition against the banning of the XL Bully breed, You have also had the fuckwits in Birmingham who have held a mass walkies event for their XL Bulliy "big soft babies". There are also other potentially dangerous breeds that have been involved in serious attacks that will not be banned. Some XL Bully owners claim that the real problem is lack of training for the dogs and owners .. yes that is true and should apply to all dogs and owners. A vet did make the most sensible statement he said that if Yorkshire Terriers had been all the rage and a yorkie bit someone they would likely need a sticking plaster on their would whereas in the case of a XL Bully or similar large dog biting them they would likely need hospital attention.
  14. I had not yet heard re the cancellation of the Manchester bit of HS2 .. the real problems are at the London end .. no direct connection to HS1. What we should have done was to have invited the French to build it. Eurotunnel was fucked up when we did not run the north of London connections in spite of building the daytime trains and sleeping cars, and thus not running through services to France from Manchester and from Scotland .. the latter would have nipped the SNP and Krankies nonsense in the bud. The irony I and other fuckwits voted for something back in 2016 that could have worked as long as we went through with it straight away and fucked the Tories off straight afterwards.
  15. He actually took a detox course and after all the toxin ware gone there was nothing of him left.
  16. He was real but his one year old Bentley was even less real that his boat .. ocean going yacht = inflatable bed from Wilko.
  17. Leave him alone he is our onsite GP.
  18. Miles


    This might be true of of some (or indeed all) of the own brand food, drink and confectionery products but other branded product should taste the same regardless of whether they have been bought from ASDA, Sainsburys, Tesco ect .. the (tesco own brand baked beans are rather good). As to Betamax have you tried a full sized Sony Video 8 deck .. they do also record PCM audio and are quite good.
  19. Solicitor sounds more respectable than lawyer and there is nothing wrong with painting your fence grey.
  20. Isn't it time for you to give us an insight into how you can be posting on here 24/7 and yet lead a fulfilling life?
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