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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I see that this sore arsed cunt's "husband" has got off.
  2. Miles

    Fog lights

    seeing the responses that you make to my posts makes it well worth while.
  3. Miles

    Fog lights

    Senility is not what you would need to fear with me .. I would be totally ruthless and I would make the behavior of Kim of North Korea look more like those of mildly neurotic sunday school teacher compared.
  4. Miles

    Fog lights

    I thought that was Decimus (whoever that might be.
  5. Miles

    Fog lights

    How about you?
  6. It would be pointless as you never go outside.
  7. Miles

    Fog lights

    I am silent, you are simply reading text on a screen .. fool.
  8. Miles

    Fog lights

    Let us hope that next time you cross the road that you are totally invisible to oncoming traffic.
  9. Stick with your imaginary alliance with your imaginary friend.
  10. As to the potential protests, there was never a state of Palestine, it was simply a vacant space that mostly emptied when the Roman decided to get ride of their version of the "jewish problem" and had not some jews decided to move there and re-establish a jewish homeland it would never have become a state of Palestine as the surrounding Arab countries simply wanted the land for themselves, not to "liberate a state that did not exist. Once the British mandate ended .. there was never any way that they would have permitted another Arab state in the area known as Palestine.
  11. Do you know what year it is .. you do admit to being constantly under the influence of dope.
  12. Let us be Frank, Frank knows that you are an idiot.
  13. I thought that it was aust wits.
  14. You are a hollow shell without dignity or conscience .. shame on you.
  15. I may be a hardline communist bastard but in my opinion ant cunts who desecrate remembrance parades should hung drawn and quartered and then given a fair trial.
  16. @Stubby Pecker I am thinking of going to Totnes to have lunch in the cafe at Morrisons .. do you want to meet up there circa 1300?
  17. Miles

    Fog lights

    Are you Hubnut? If so get rid of that barky shitty little dog.
  18. Miles

    Men who hug

    Extensive and ongoing enquiries into multiple other offences as stated. During her medical examination it was revealed she has a surrogate cock the size of a baby’s arm. They’re unsure where she acquired it. Any ideas? Pay attention you barmy, geriatric second-hand cock bore. Back to the real question do you have any more inside information re Lucy Letby?
  19. Miles

    Men who hug

    Do you have any more inside information re Lucy Letby .. answer the question.
  20. Good Evening @ape, have you been out flying your chopper .. are your cheeks russet coloured from the cold wind and rain?
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