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Everything posted by Miles

  1. As I do not own a dog that would be your pure pervy imaginanation Wankstain.
  2. They kill their own people.
  3. She is our princess now go and swivel.
  4. More proof that you're a wrong 'un .. do you come from New Zealand.
  5. Was he "Needleprick The Bugfucker?".
  6. We are all going to freeze to death this winter .. bring back kind Rishi.
  7. Hardly a white lightening response.
  8. He's a sausage farmer .. the wicked stepfather.
  9. That wold be a sight .. do you dress up in a frock and boots often?
  10. Exactly .. what more proof do you need .. that is why you get your letter Franked.
  11. There are no Greek Cypriot refugees .. they are ENGLISH!
  12. I was not communicating with you Wonk.
  13. Decimus rhymes with pus.
  14. Wank should do something for science such as sucking the bad gas out of a Boeing Starliner.
  15. You're futures' ORANGEman
  16. Fuck Harry Styles Viaduct .. Holmes Chapel is a dump. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c204gz9glrro
  17. But you would wouldn't you and so qould @Jake The Muss?
  18. Have you never been legless when getting off a train?
  19. She could be on a loser with his one .. refusing help from station staff could breach the "what is reasonable" part of the DDA legislation .. depends on how astute LNER's solicitors are.
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