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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I thought that you would be more of a Lib Dem.
  2. Back in government a real major cunt.
  3. I know an old cunt of 76 who conducts almost all his worldly none bodily function matters from an iPhone .. he has also recently purchased a used Leica 40 megal pixel camera that only has the most basic functions for the modest sum of £4,000 and mounted a prehistoric lens on it.
  4. Miles

    Tom Daley

    So close to a nature reserve .. what did you see there .. are you a twitcher?
  5. This must have been truly awful for you @Ape™️
  6. I like the cut of your jib ELC.
  7. Who would the freak be .. it is you?
  8. That is correct as I do not have a scrotum .. there is no doubt though that you are a useless old scrote.
  9. Your skin is far thinner, even thinner than the surface film on the River Tone.
  10. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Please remember to keep your head totally under the water as you stroll along the River Frome.
  11. Miles

    Tom Daley

    This won't be a mixed marriage .. they're just a simple pair of cunts.
  12. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I see that your holiday didn't Cost- a fortune.
  13. Miles

    Tom Daley

    It does now look as if @Wolfie and @Old Chap Raasclaat are an item
  14. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Penis envy .. do you drive a big car?
  15. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Sour grapes? .. Take it on the chin you little puff. Have you had a nice day?
  16. I had 30 minutes on the K38 omnibus yesterday with one of these dopey old cunts tap tapping away on his phone yesterday .. pure torture and I wanted to ram it down his stupid gob. All cunts who enable the keyboard click on their smartphones should be hanged.
  17. Any plans for today OCR? I'm going to Plimuff.
  18. Miles

    Fog lights

    You have a kind heart bro' . Do not let any of the wrong uns' here say otherwise.
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