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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Family Ties

    I have always had the impression that they outbreed (everyone else other than themselves that is).
  2. Well publicised, snouts in trough, brown noses, fairy circles ect. I'm off to test some Canon glass .. katchya later.
  3. Don't forget Reginald Tindal Kennedy Bosanquet.
  4. Never use a long word when a short one will do.
  5. I would be happier if you were sent with them.
  6. Yes you could "mark" it by celebrating in some way such as visiting Lundistan and waving a union flag or hoisting bunting on your abode .. it is a perfectly reasonable concept.
  7. Another issue is nationalising their assets implies compensation . seizing their assets without compensation might be a legal problem.
  8. The problem is President Blair, President Johnson err President Sturgeon (after the Scots have finished with her).
  9. I don't have an opinion regarding them .. I did not care either way.
  10. OH did I get an offer for that job .. I would have gleefully accepted it.
  11. Something else you need to know is that I did not give a fuck about Charlie's 75th birthday so I did not mark it in any way.
  12. People looked up to Doctor Palmer when he was hanged.
  13. Miles

    Tom Daley

    He needs us .. We need him.
  14. At this time of year there isn't one .. if there was though you would be one of the last to know.
  15. Are you all alone without a friend in the world?
  16. Miles

    Tom Daley

    He will be far too smashed to have any real life fun.
  17. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I am glad that you were riveted.
  18. You are stark raving barmy .. am I correct?
  19. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Rather like most of the Leica camera owners who simply buy each model as it come along but rarely if ever use them. I know someone who recently paid around 5,000 quid but so far hasn't used it and probably ver will as he is now talking of buying the monocrom one.
  20. That's good to hear .. are you up to anything this weekend? .. I didn't think much about Thurso have you ever been to Thurso?
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