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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Besides werriting about what I and others are posting here what the fuck are you doing?
  2. Coffee should be black single origin and preferably Columbian.
  3. It applies to other close knit groups .. Asians in Africa are often affluent because they work together as a team to protect their own interests, The Chinese seem to do much the same world wide, some of the more closely knit Asian groups in the UK are often fairly well off. Palestine is a strange case. It has never really been anything other than a territory controlled by someone else. Syria, Rome, Turkey etc.
  4. We mostly have the white version in the the bay.
  5. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I have to recognize that @Wolfie doesn't like me .. it is one of those things but I will cope.
  6. That's good .. I can live with it as I do have a coping strategy.
  7. Miles

    Tom Daley

    That was a fake offer. Judy was very real .. she hated children of all colours.
  8. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Judy actually .. she was a rescue dog.
  9. I see these CONSULTAN tanning shops where they claim that you get an "HONEST TAN". I have wondered what a dishonest tan would be like .. would it clone your debit card?
  10. Miles

    Tom Daley

    There only one thing that is worrying me at the moment and that is that I cannot find the charger for one of my cameras. You and your unhappy soulless life is of no consequence to me. Out of interest I did once own a Jack Russel .. she lived for 15 years and she would have ripped the back of your ankles and bit your nose off.
  11. Miles

    Tom Daley

    You seem to have a pathological interest in the dates on which my sister's died. The actual dates of their deaths will be on their death certificates and that will not vary. Memory can play odd tricks I had a brother who dies of old age during the June of the same year (he was 83) .. I cannot remember the actual date that he died nor can I remember his birthday but I can remember the birthdays of the two sisters who died and ald the birthday of the sister who lives in California. I am guessing that you have nothing happening in your miserable life .. perhaps if you got a job or even a hobby you would cease worrying your poor little head about me.
  12. He's got a three foot long pecker and it is almost impossible for him not to poke it into other folk's affairs.
  13. Keep you nosey scouse beak out.
  14. @Cuntybaws is a Scot .. it is not possible for anyone who is not white and English to be a racist .. shame on you!
  15. Could @PANZER MURPHY please explain how this system works? https://www.itv.com/news/utv/2023-11-21/police-seize-car-with-hand-drawn-tax-disc
  16. Turkeys looking forward to christmas and the stuffing.
  17. This thread really needs input from @scotty.
  18. Nothing unreasonable about that ,, XL Bully breed of Great Black-back Gulls the size of Hammer Head Sharks with a lust for dirty unwashed cunts in boats.
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