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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Dr Who Cunts

    What did Cecil Parkinson die of?
  2. "Ah so" are you Japanese?
  3. Good evening are you well?
  4. I think that you might own the freehold 🤣
  5. If he couldn't give a monkeys why is he bothering to react?
  6. There are of course plenty of people with genuine mental health problems and they do need proper provision but my experience from volunteering with a "collective" that was focused on these issue is that a proportion .. perhaps more than haf of the one that I saw were simply there for the ride. It was interesting to see how when the benefits system was tightened up just how many found jobs, what was also noteworthy was just how many of the one's who knew how to play the system though managed to keep their benefits and avoid having to find work and sadly a small who lost their benefits and ended up on the streets or worse. A weakness of the system has and still in the inability to filter out those who are playing the system and of letting those who truly need help to slip though the net.
  7. I do wonder whether we might be better going back to have local town police forces .. perhaps as far as having local constables sweeping the street for one day a week to help bring them back to being in touch with the people they are actually serving. Here in one of Devon's largest towns and seaside resort there are days when the police are nowhere to be seen .. shortage of officers is one excuse yet back in the lockdown Dartmoor was crawling with copper searching for people daring to escape to the wilds for a few hours and then posting on arsebook about how hard heir day hunting down the people daring to venture out had been.
  8. Why can't they deport them in small boats?
  9. You should have seen it when Crewe played Cardiff at home .. the Cardiff fans would travel to Crewe the previous day and stay overnight at hardnut Crewe fans on the Moathouse and Brookhose estates and go pub crawling with each other, then the following day around the Gresty Road ground they would beat the shit out of each other. UP THE ALEX!
  10. A sort of "burns night" with real flames.
  11. It has already happened .. in his tiny mind.
  12. Miles

    Gert wilders please

    He doesn't know what day it is.
  13. Miles

    Terry Venables

    Am I correct in realising that @Frank with his superior intellect ran rings around you?
  14. Miles

    Terry Venables

    I am a "towering 5' 5"" thank you for admitting that you are a midget.
  15. Another sad loss in the weeks leading up to Christmas. He had been ill for some time before passing away .. show some respect for "our Tel".
  16. Have you seen the old chancel or visited Peter Orlando Hutchinson's grave?
  17. What are you up to today? .. beans at M & S 50p lol, lol!
  18. What about the bloke that walks around with a parrot on his shoulder?
  19. @Frank is currently dead after being beaten to death by @Ape™️.
  20. Do you have an opinion about Sidmouth?
  21. Do you have any plans for this weekend?
  22. Miles

    Dublin riots

    Yer a fine man Panzer.
  23. I know that I might be dead before you but at least I have had a long and mostly happy life.
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