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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Gert wilders please

    You appear to simply want to make arguments about matters that have no guilt .. I have not gone to live in any other country and tried to change their culture nor do I have intention to do so .. thick your fake guilt up your back passage and swivel on it.
  2. Miles

    BBC Salaries

    There is no need for you to worry your pretty little head about this.
  3. You are playing with fire here @Dyslexic cnut .. @Mrs Roops most likely will have connections with people who could alter your status to illegal alien meaning that you will find yourself on a Rwanda flight .. and you will not be taking your fictional one year old Bentley with you.
  4. Miles

    Gert wilders please

    There as long been this perception in the UK that we are far more racist and bigoted in general than our European neighbours. This "hard left" keep getting mentioned .. a load of cobbler, these are upper middle class cunts with a guilty conscience .. go to vicit any of these countries and you will find that under the surface they are either as bigoted as we are or even more so .. in most cases they are also more open about it. The Germans are just three generations away from Hitler and a large proportion are now casting off the guilt .. this time they are not blaming the jews rather they are seeing the effect of governments that imported large numbers of Turks etc as cheap unskilled labour and how their offspring not not thankful for what they have gained. Much the same in Holland, Belgium and France and the Danes and Swedes (who were liberal white rather than multicultural countries) have now learned the same. The proper working class (ie the people who work or have worked for we have have) see through these lies .. 55 years ago the magic word was integration( and I believed in it) the truth is though that we opened our doors to and welcomed cunts who hated us and their children and grandchildren hate us even more.
  5. And Empty vessels make the most noise.
  6. Miles

    Dr Who Cunts

    Doesn't the South West Falcon Megabus pass through Soylent Green without stopping .. somewhere near the Drumbridges roundabout?
  7. Miles

    Dr Who Cunts

    What about Four Feather Falls?
  8. They're talking now about finding the "middle ground" looking at a map that looks like dropping them somewhere in Libya.
  9. Wolfie does not exist .. he merely thinks that he exists.
  10. Miles

    Dr Who Cunts

    Do you remember Supercar or Fireball XL5?
  11. Actually the French are civilised the main reason the asians went to Yorkshire is because yorkies are squatters who simply dig a hole in the ground and squat over it to have a crap .. we need Ding to explain about this.
  12. Miles

    Dr Who Cunts

    I thought that the first Doctor Who was a 40 stone lesbian from Solihull .. or what that a Time Lard?
  13. Miles

    Dr Who Cunts

    It was never the same after they replaced William Hartnell .
  14. Who is this Pen that you keep mentioning .. is he your boyfriend?
  15. British lawyers could be sent to Rwandan courts as part of asylum plans https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67610480 Send all of the cunts there.
  16. My thoughts are that by this time next year Decimus will be at one with the first nation folks.
  17. French school bullying deaths stir intense debate https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37505349
  18. If you get to Canada, try at some point to look up Coronation, Alberta and confirm whether or not it is a shithole.
  19. Alistair Darling has also snuffed it.
  20. I was leaving it for you.
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