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Everything posted by Miles

  1. You're just an old gobshite.
  2. He sat on his own petard and spontaneously ignited.
  3. Miles

    Flooding cunts

    Have you been doing any fly by wire this weekend?
  4. Miles

    Flooding cunts

    Could it be lead in the red paint he uses on the propellers of his toy choppers? Perhaps @Cunty BigBollox might have some idea as he knows about plumbing and might have seen the effects of lead pipes
  5. Miles

    Flooding cunts

    Give us another of your brilliant and funny nominations @Ape™️ .. about something such as badly crimped apple tarts.
  6. That might have interested Punkape as a means of finding another use for the spunk that he undoubtably had in storage.
  7. Scientific American seems to have gone woke too.
  8. I know but Raaster, Wulfie, DC & Decs need something to nibble at.
  9. Perhaps I should have said "done well for himself" .. he seems to be in a "win, win" situation where could continue to make plenty of money regardless off whether or not he succeeds in his chosen "profession".
  10. He appears to have made a lot of money and is well known for some reason .. is it to do with football/shagging or both?
  11. A scouser with a name like Joey who has done well without the use of firearms and drug dealing or other known criminality has to be an inspiration to other scousers. NOT A CUNT.
  12. She might have just been having a little nibble.
  13. Miles

    HDMI Ports

    I know exactly where he should stuff those wires.
  14. Don't be silly he used three in one penetrating oil.
  15. It is almost 11 years since Don't Start Me Off disappeared down the plughole and what I think some of them are doing is trying to recreate that shithole here .. exactly the same tactics.
  16. I hate to disappoint you but I've looked after my teeth over the years .. I have still got them and they're in good condition .. I had beef not turkey.
  17. Both of you and the Gamekeeper do a lot of whinging about me and a few others .. do any of you have a mention of a regular donation to CC on your bank statement or are you doing your highly personal insults on the backs of others?
  18. You fucking idiot. 😜
  19. There was also another nomination before your's 🤣
  20. Just to save @Cuntybaws the trouble .. I did to try to see if there was another nomination about this very fat woman with a silly surname.
  21. Is that Frank in disguise?
  22. The first time I saw her I thought that she was Eric Pickles in drag. In this shot she looks like her head is poking out of the shithole of an old bottom of garden privy.
  23. I see that this crazy old woman has popped her clogs She must have scared a lot of kids (and human children) in her day.
  24. The British Rail carriage seats of the late 1960s into the 1970 had winged armchair style seats .. even in the second class, they were really comfortable and you could sleep in them in comfort as well. They would make almost anyone smile (unless a rather pervy Yorkshire man sat next to you and said "hows about that then?")..
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