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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The skin suits that Wolfie's missus makes for him don't protect him from his own very thin skin.
  2. As far as I know our only real interest in The Ukraine (that is actually what it is .. not real country) is it the wheat that is can no longer grow. Fifty years ago we got out wheat mostly from Canada and the wheat was of a better quality. I don't see that The Ukraine can fight of the Russians. A further danger when the Russians win is that we will leave the remains of all sorts of modern military behind that the Russians will be able to examine and make copies of and sell to other tinpot countries who will then use it in the same way as those rebels from Yemen have been doing in the Red Sea.
  3. I often said that we were safer back in the days of the "commies v everyone else cold war", but wiser people shouted me down .. for some countries communism was the only system that could keep the lid on fanatical islam.
  4. Cunty BigBollox Members Posted 16 hours ago Wind your fucking hirsute neck in and contribute to the subject matter rather than attempting to be Ape MkII and attack other posters without offering any contribution or value to the site. Have a fucking day off.
  5. Who's dick are you licking .. oh .. he's just liked your post!
  6. My guess is that whilst he can tap the right words into a keypad in a mildly elegant way if you met him in person he would prove to be verbally inarticulate .. possibly with a stammer. I have met this sort many times .. often in a back office role where they do not meet the public face to face or only in the presence of a literate member of staff.
  7. It was painful watch him .. he did not give te impression of being in any league .. he reminded me of a member of the revenue protection staff who we nickname "Captain Chaos" .. he targeted the vulnerable .. the partially blind or the the poor cunt who's pass was a couple of days out of date or were unaware of the rules but intended to pay. Whilst he could fill forms in common with this Bradshaw cunt he was verbally inarticulate.
  8. C'mon @Ape™️ let us have an intellectual input from you.
  9. He came across as being an inarticulate blundering fool seriously out of his depth.
  10. I have just watched this cunt giving evidence .. he comes across as inept and not too bright, and say's that he was not technically minded. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-67941754
  11. Is this you? https://www.rte.ie/news/crime/2023/1227/1423275-drugs-cocaine-analysis/
  12. I wonder whether it is stubby?
  13. Miles

    Richard Branson

    Have you ever been to Dingwall?
  14. Miles

    Richard Branson

    There is also the issue of these Branson medi care type outfits that have a habit of taking legal action against the NHS if they fail to win contracts .. there have been plenty of example mentioned in Private Eye. Off course his rail franchise operations were hardly a success for the passengers ..he threw the East Coast franchise and fucked up the Cross Country operation and lumbered it with a fleet of albeit very robust trains that are unsuitable for the routes they serve.
  15. Miles

    Richard Branson

    Back in the days of the Fucklands War the media touted Prince Andrew as a brave helicopter pilot and Randy "Shag 'Em" Andy who could do no wrong and Beardie was seen ans something of a wide boy. Beardie later came into favour with Mrs Thatcher as a innovative businessman who had risked all failing to remember that he come from a fairly wealthy family and always had the bank of mum & dad to fall back on. It did take a long time for the media and polite society to go back to portraying him as the cunt he always was and is. Prince Andrew was inept in the first place and remains inept. Do you remember Virgin Cola? .. it tasted just like Strike Cola and most of the mid range supermarker brand colas and nothing like the two mainstream cola brands.
  16. His son Brooklyn's photography book makes a perfect doorstop.
  17. Miles

    Flooding cunts

    What colour is your blood?
  18. I do wonder whether his cocks crow in the early morning.
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