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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Tommy walsh

    How is yours hanging?
  2. I think that she might use one of those hand-powered washing machines.
  3. "Struggle to find words" @Jake The Muss are you inarticulate or just attracted to reading weird wind-up Phil Space newspaper articles?
  4. @entitled little cunt if you really work on it you can get him to despise you for ever ..that is much more fun .. he is really full of (Tesco) beans.
  5. Don't mention the war!
  6. Miles

    Tommy walsh

    Is he the cunt on the front of the Daily Star who claims that a giant moth larva tried to kill him?
  7. I like that idea of a "National Broadcaster" a voice for the United Kingdom .. something re-assuring which it was until the 1960s. The problem that it is trying to be something for everyone .. sensible or a fool. It is not bloated. It does not need several national radio channels .. just a home, service, a light programme and an esucation third programme along with at most four channels of which channel four should be one all of the channels and radio stations supporting a British Identity with presenter who keep to the script and do not pursue personal agendas or receive salaried vastly in excess of the prime ministers official salary. The BBC does not need Gary Lineker and he should make his own way in life and stick to talking about soccer .. it does not need to pay any of these often inarticulate former sports personalities vast amounts of money.
  8. No .. I just don't like nosy old women like you.
  9. Early signs .. let's not beat around the bush.
  10. Claudia Shciffer is 53 and looks it .. judging from your avatar picture you are still a 10 out 10 good looker.
  11. Mind your own fucking business .. it is fuck all to do with you.
  12. He does not have anger management problems and he is being counseled by @Cunty BigBollox anyway.
  13. Have you ever been so starved that you ate a whole crocodile?
  14. They should shut down at 7PM sharp .. the cunts can drink all day.
  15. You need to discuss this with @Frank & @Eddie.
  16. Miles


    We have the most stable democracy in the world.
  17. I would rather that you left @Ape™️ alone .. he is a very good friend of mine.
  18. He seems to have lost weight and looks a little bit frail and less orange.
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