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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Most countries that did have the death penalty did take pried in dispatching cunts as quickly and painlessly as possible .. the yanks seem to take pride in taking as long as possible.
  2. There is the issue that many people work for a living and need to sleep at night .. perhaps you are an idler.
  3. Take early retirement and do some consultancy work is a good racket. Just advise I know a some people who took the money almost 30 years ag when a certain industry was privatised .. some of them were only in their early 40s .. they got into the consultancy game telling the cunt who took over and fucked up how to do the obvious. A lot of them (now in their 70s) are still at it, making £1000s for a few days work .. of course there are also plenty of backhanders from advising cunt cunts to use buggy softwarefrom outfits like fujisu etc.
  4. Have you never been to Blackbuuurrrrn?
  5. You wanna a buy an old Nissan Note .. 30 miles between charges?
  6. I bet that you had one of those fat gurgling exhausts.
  7. What puzzles me with Pegleg and the rest of his yank mates is how they allow these botched executions and keep searching for more "humane methods" when Young Fred Shipman come send old dears on their quickly and painlessly with a dose of morphine. If they used morphine the dopey cunts would be lining up to be executed.
  8. I am hoping that whilst he his resting in his bed at Ashworth that he is throttled by a delusional octopus.
  9. Has it got a flat battery?
  10. I do question allowing the use of the "manslaughter" charge in this context. I am sure that the charge of murder could have still be used but covered by the "dimmished responsibility". In this case (and the Exeter case" the intention was to kill .. as far as I understand the original reason for the definition "manslaughter" was to cover cases where the intention was to maim not to kill or where the offender was reckless so as to endanger life.
  11. Have you seen some of the info about this so called "aristocrat" and her rapist boyfriend .. it seems that so far they have have had 5 children between them the previous 4 were taken off them for adoption as soon as they were born. Other than the slag being a daughter of titled parents and having mixed with the royals I don't see anything truly aristocratic in the family history. Her father is also a hippy balm pot.
  12. I watched the sentencing .. I agree that he should have faced a murder charge but it seems to be a repeat of the case in Exeter back in 2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-50563153.amp another case where the killer was treated leniently because of mental health issues. I that case I also think that he should have been tried for murder regardless with the mental health issues being dealt with after a trial. The issue in the diminished responsibility cases is that if you pass a prison sentence the offender can appeal the conviction and a whole life sentence cannot be passed. In this case and the Exeter case the only effective way a Judge can pass a whole life sentence is to issue what this judge as done. The 1982 act needs to be revised so that a whole life prison sentence can be issued.
  13. Fender has got a large gap between his ears.
  14. I use the train a couple of times a week .. is your brain being sent funny by the fumes from the wood glue and paint stripper?
  15. Common @Ape™️ lets have one of your Humbrol noms.
  16. Have you had your call up papers or have you spotted the King's 5p at the bottom of your pint?
  17. There is nothing whatever that you or anyone else can do about it.
  18. HEALTH WARNING Do NOT try to wind-up @Cuntybaws.
  19. Some of them have metal in their skulls .. the metal is lead.
  20. That's Middlewich.
  21. At a guess Chinese Embassy staff.
  22. Miles

    Tommy walsh

    How is yours hanging?
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