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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    I favour the big ship a few miles offshore option ,, they have come here in the back of a lorry or on a dangerous rubber so what would be the issue with being on a nice big ship just off the sight of and?
  2. The only hunt I do at night is for the light switch.
  3. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    Flashing .. do you remember that cunt on a plane being deported at Luton Airport .. squealed like a pig and the passengers had him taken off the plane .. was I think a sex offender.
  4. What manhunt would that be?
  5. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    Sex offender as well .. granted asylum after the offence as well as he claimed to have converted to christianty and would be a risk of persecution if he had been sent back to Afghanistan.
  6. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    He came from Newcastle.
  7. Ester Rancid kicked off the Jobsworth Campaign and removed much uniformed enforcement from the streets .. the "petty" officials who often nipped trouble in the bud.
  8. It is not the dogs fault .. Its the fuckwits that decided to own and breed them.
  9. Bodkin Adams had friends in government and troublesome information on others and was not tried for most of the killings that he was almost certainly guilty of .. Around the time that Ruth Ellis was hanged there was another murder involving an ex public school boy who was spared the rope. There was also a case of a mysterious murder in the mid 1950s that Jeremy Thorpe was alleged to have ordered some 20 years before the infamous Norman Scott (bunny will go to France) incident that was Thorpe's political undoing.
  10. or Sidmouth in Devon .. someone holds Llama walking experiences there.
  11. The argument I have is that the manslaughter charge was introduced back in the days of capital punishment for cases where there was no intention to kill .. not for for cases such as Valdo Calocane and Alexander Lewis-Ranwell where there was an intention to kill .. in those cases the charge should be murder with diminished responsibility and the judge should have the right to set a prison sentence (part of which could be served in a secure mental hospital).
  12. Alexander Lewis-Ranwell (the Exeter triple killer) was almost certainly aided by the old school tie as he was a former public school boy .. it was contrast to the Darren Pencile case where a shit himself and stabbed a huge cunt twice his size who threatened him after a minor altercation on a train when the cunt he bumped into chased him .. Pencile )who had mental health problems (and was black) was tried for and found guilty of murder and got a minimum sentence of 38 years.
  13. I don't see any of these questions being asked in that context anywhere .. doubtless some diplomatic silence by some woke cunts .. it looks like it is more a case of his previous behaviour getting overlooked i a sea of other cunts behaving in a similar way but not later going on a murder rampage. I in the case of Alexander Lewis-Ranwell (the Exeter triple killer) he had a similar record of "minor" erratic and violent behaviour that in afterthought should have flagged but there is much the same behaviour from other drug addled fuckwits in the Barnstaple area (from where he travelled) that is not followed by killing rampages. An ideal would be to lock all these cunt away before the can reach the rampage stage just in case but you would likely need prisons to hold two or three million such cunts.
  14. Miles

    Southwark Malarkey

    It is standard procedure for the police to refer themselves when they kill some daft cunt in the line of duty .. nothing so far to see here.
  15. A common racket was to have two identical cars one roadworthy and the other under repair and swap the umber plates and tax disk between vehicles .. a couple of people I worked with did that. One with two Mk 2 Cortinas and the other with a couple of Morris Travellers. He was a miserable cunt when he was on a train and would hide himself some where where people couldn't sit next to him.
  16. Ah .. Stuart Hall .. what a character and cheeky chap he is!
  17. But apart from doing silent farts in the lift and targeting people without reason at random what exactly have you bought here? Another question is do you finacially donate to the site?
  18. You have been whining like a jilted schoolboy ever since you and you mates came here after DSMO folded.
  19. This worth a read .. this cunt murdered 5 people and was released after 15 years hen changed his name and vanished from the radar until he stalked his neigbour and amassed an arms collection and was sent back to prison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Williams_(spree_killer)
  20. A problem with English law is that it follows the principle of the "letter of the law" which is often used by shitbag solicitors to twist the context of the law. Many other countries follow the principle of "the spirit of the law" .. ie "what the law intends" and technicalities and loopholes cannot be used as a way of avoiding being prosecuted. At first examination it might seem that it would easier for people to get away with punishment .. all that would happen is this case is the they would have faced manslaughter chargers and a life sentence .. such a system would probably have meant that Valdo Calocane would have faced a murder charge regardless of his "mental state" because his intention was to murder and the judge would have been able to impose a punishment element to the sentence and with an hospital order with some future shitbags being able to try to get him released.
  21. In the case of most of the industries that they privatised they ended calling the cunts that they sacked back as consultants to explain how things worked to the fuckwits who bought in and then found that there were no real profits.
  22. I knew a cunt from Rishton .. he's dead now .. he was tickling a trout when he fell in the brook and drowned.
  23. 143 ask @camberwell gypsy she's my care worker.
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