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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Bastard mp’s

    I worked for council for two years, even my weekly shop and car tax and insurance was paid for by the council .. I know that to be true because an old cunt from Manor Way told me so.
  2. A lot of us old folk couldn't get out and none of you came to see me.
  3. When I left the railroad we were still receiving letters and phone calls from people complaining that coloured members of staff had either asked to see their tickets or informed them that there tickets were out of date or otherwise not valid and asked them to pay and excess fare in consequence of that. There was also a woman who had written to say that she had felt unable to travel on a train from Abergavenny to Shrewsbury because the driver was black.
  4. Once again I will ask is your god a bender .. being a lover of men?
  5. Punker's you really are a very strange person. Not even a simple troll, you appear have an innate fascination with the subject being unable to simple make your point and leave it at that. There is something deep down inside you gnawing away, indeed festering and then doing this "inherited wealth" thing to try to add validity and assert a "superiority" that you do not and will never have. You are are actually a bender with a guilt complex are you not?
  6. That has long been in the statute books in one form or the other in the form of intimidating behaviour or breach of the peace etc. the old "suss law" and "loitering with intent" also covered many bases. In the past there were many honest people who had criminal records simply because they had "looked suspicious" or paused for a few minutes in the "wrong place".
  7. An arrow straight to Puker's heart .. He does always strike me as being a frustrated homosexual male deep in denial but in truthtesting the waters before taking the plunge.
  8. I am fairly sure that somewhere in the bible it says that "God loves man" .. does that mean that your god is a bumboy Punker's?
  9. Miles

    Litter Louts.

    As said PLEASE keep off my side.i
  10. Yes you do raise a valid point here, there is also no thought about of what effect all this has on the children who do result from these type of "exploits". There are situations where abortion might be justified but it should never be considered as justified as part of a "woman's right to choose" or merely on the grounds of reckless behaviour by the woman herself.
  11. Actually the image is of a dog (its been posted all over ArseBook), but as "Dr"Cunt also claims to be a GP and Type 1 diabetic perhaps he needs to have a visit from the GMC's heavies with an extra dose of insulin just to "make sure".
  12. Miles


    I have decided to report you for living in Cheshire East.
  13. I agree with you on this Spunker's .. were you there on your bicycle riding in front with pride fags flags attached to the handlebars?
  14. I think that I might be coming into bud.
  15. She was also underage and wanted for shoplifting.
  16. Miles

    Litter Louts.

    Punker's you are a wretch.
  17. Miles

    Gary Younge

    Whining leftist "editor at large" of the Guardian, of Afro-Carribean extraction who like so many of his ilk is wedded to the fascist white supremacist dream of the UK being part of a united Europe. Screaming about the brexiteers blaming the remoaners when it is actually both sides blaming each other. A singular cunt.
  18. I have now read both of the "papers". Spelling mistakes are many, grammar not good, level of research excellent. Do you have any thoughts on reverting much of Norfolk to a quagmire and whether it would make a reintroduction of the Large Copper worth trying?
  19. Miles

    Litter Louts.

    Could you please keep off my side. This little tiff is personal between Stubber's and myself.
  20. Miles

    The BBC

    Be careful, Bill and Babba's egos are very fragile, it will all end in tears (for them).
  21. Miles

    Litter Louts.

    I would like to see you "twitching" after being hit by a virginator train passing non-stop through Gloucester on its way to Brum from Brizzle.
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