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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Panzer SHUT THE FUCK UP!
  2. Is it some kind of confessional like it is with Punker's? Perhaps Judge is also catholic.
  3. The only piles that worry you are the ones up your arse.
  4. Just wondering if we could have the original slightly creepy but also slightly amusing panzer back? 😉
  5. Much more recent than that, but certain of the commonwealth countries will be more than happy to increase or restart trading with us as we tend to be less piccy than the folkes they are presently selling to. I have suspicion that the Paddy farmers will also be looking to sort the trading issues out asap after Brexit as again we are a lot easier to sell agricultural products to than the piccy froggies and ironheads.
  6. Virgin East Coast recently taken back from the most aggressive franchise holder (actually 90% owned by Stagecoach). In practical terms very easy to take back when free from EU rules.
  7. It is also interesting read what Jezza has said in depth, he would continue the leave process as he has explained as leaving wood give him the chance to bring the utilities and railways back under state ownership. TBH we are fukked until we deal with the globalisers and bury them in the sand (and the EU is part of that).
  8. You miss the point. That is only a marriage of convenience. The LibDems thought that they could fuck Cameroon about but an increased Tory majority in 2015 left them fucked, the same will happen to Arlene at some point. You need to look at the map Panzer the Island of Ireland could nicely hold about 30 million unwanted migrants used to subsistence living and as I said is nicely remote from the European mainland.
  9. I think that he is also worrying about what a now "grown up" nation such as The Irish Republic is going to do if the Brits do not import food stuffs from there .. A factor different from the past is that I think that most people in the rest of the UK would be perfectly happy to cast Ulster adrift and even happier if it became part of the republic. There is also another very real danger for Ireland in that it will be a very convenient dumping ground for the EU's inconvenient migrants. Nice and remote from the mainland, I think that The Beast has also said something about that being on the EU's agenda.
  10. TBH I think that most Leavers did think it through .. what they did not realise though was how desperate the remoaners were and just how low they would be prepared to go to sink Brexit. Panzer is just a fuckwit with a realisation that Brexit may also leave the Irish Republic adrift without a paddle and that he might suddenly at some pointbe facing "disability assessors" that will be asking why he cannot work.
  11. Is the weather a bit 'ot in Oyland Panzer?
  12. He's lucid and talking to the doctor.
  13. The stockpiling of food might be a good idea though so that hampers can be sent to the Irish Republic to feed the starving .. it is a very poor country reliant on EU subsidies.
  14. I agree, its not as if he is showing signs of OCD or clinical depression.
  15. Are you OK Panz or, should I call for a doctor?
  16. There's safety in numbers Camb's just flash the bedroom light on and off if he gives you any more trouble and I'll clobber him with a rolling pin.
  17. Fuck other drivers. They're all cunts.
  18. Miles

    McCain Chips

    The Gander Botherer is back.
  19. Sorry Eric but "all that glitters" etc.
  20. Judge you write (upper case apart) like the late "MARTIN CAPS LOCK" from another forum, just wondering if your real home is closer to the "twisted spire" rather than to the sound of the "bow bells"?
  21. They should be hanged by the neck whilst the Colon Sisters sing "Ahmid The Mood For Dangling".
  22. They are just the end result of a "production system" than produces them. That production system needs to be closed down. The radical preachers are known along with the mosques that they operate from. The preachers need to at the minimum have their UK status removed and sent to the flea-holes paradises they wish to emulate and of course the mosques they work from closed down. We also need restore the right for people to challenge religious belief and faith so that religious zealots are shown to be the brain-washed fools that they are.
  23. Nailing them to an old rugged cross and leaving them to die in sun would be the best option.
  24. Sorting these kind idiots out is going to be a messy task .. perhaps the one situation where sending them direct to "paradise" is a better option than incarcerating them for life.
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