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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Billy went for a used Tivoli.
  2. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    What I'm reading into this is that he converted back to his peaceful religion and wanted his woman to cover her face and when she refused he tried to make sure that nobody else would want to look at her face.
  3. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    Its the ghost of a long dead king that you're listening to.
  4. Perfect for the job .. sorry I didn't know what i was doing serg!
  5. There are around 40,000 towns and large villages in England we have a police force strength of about 135,000 full time officers in England and Wales .. on any given days that might mean that might be around 5,000 of them actually visibly on the beat each for about 6 hours, which means that most places ( even town of 70,000 people might not see a single police officer. The trouble with coppers is that these days because of stabby little cunts they have to be in pairs. Coppers are also expensive with salaries and add on such as equipment and monitoring you might be talking of £100,000+ for each officer. Now if you could introduce a citizens force of hard nut older middle aged cunts who ave retired early and just want to top up their company pensions then costs of putting something that looks like a bobby on the beat reduce drastically .. it is also possible that these hard nuts will also sort out the wake cunts who currently cause problems by trying to defend the stabby little cunts from the consequences of their actions.
  6. Raleigh Chopper for @Ape™️
  7. Welcome to Jaywick the Torquay of the East. https://news.sky.com/story/woman-dies-after-being-attacked-by-two-dogs-in-essex-13063798
  8. Pretty well anyone with arms can use a gun look at America and remember the rule that "the young go first" .. by "older" they mean cunts in their forties and fifties and into their mid sixies and large part of which are not economically active, but are still physically strong .. a perfect citizens army I can see @Eric Cuntman, @Ape™️ and @Cunty BigBollox at the head of their own little squads.
  9. I note that the lad is a kick boxing champion .. now that one is out I am sure he is going to have a few challenges. Actually I think aside that the little might thrive in prison .. he wants to study mirobiology . he will have at least 20 years to do that and study stuff like maths and whatever else.
  10. The pro Palestinian protesters who parade in London every weekend have promised to protest"as long as it takes" .. doubtless both sides in Ireland will do the same an all an all.
  11. It only costs £300,000 a year to each one in secure accommodation.
  12. Would it be safe to call @Cuntybaws to the main board?
  13. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    Back in 2005 a cunt I knew got into a row with parking warden back in the US of A .. he ended up having to book the next available flight back home having been told to leave ASAP for insulting a local officer.
  14. Isn't this a bit XL Bully in a manger?
  15. He will have at least 20 years to hone up on his puzzle books.
  16. She looks like pure evil ..he looks like a dopey lad looking for a fuck .. I imagine that he thought t that he would be stuck up Scarlett straight after the killing and then go back home to his puzzle books.
  17. There will the full gamut of appeals the Judge actually exeeded to usual youth minimum sentence by six years .. for the human right lot this case is poisoned chalice .. it is liable to backfire badly for them if they get too involved.
  18. 22 years minimum .. I rather doubt that she will ever be released.
  19. Calling @PANZER MURPHY to the main board!
  20. There is a generation of women born from the early 1940s up until the mid 1950 .. often from well off middle and upper class family and highly educated .. became the beatnik and hippies in the era of 2There's a whole lot of lovin' goin' on" .. they and their male counterparts dabbled in paganism and eastern mystics and of course drugs. In their old age many of them went back to christianity and with it the belief that anyone can be redeemed. Now a generation of old women who tell you that you cannot say that. I good chance that some of them are sponsoring some of the movement of illegals into this country.
  21. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    Abdul's close relative says that it is out of character and he is not the caring boy he knew when he was growing up in Afghanistan.
  22. Do you have any plans for weekend @Ape™️?
  23. Do you think that @Ape™️ is an observational comedian?
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