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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    You can use a stencil.
  2. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    Can you say that again Craig?
  3. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    After you retired did you open a shop in Rotherham that sold surgical appliances and disability aids? Also about three or four years ago did you get a visit from a rather shifty Swedish gentleman? @Drew Peacock any chance that you can check this cunt out?
  4. Miles

    TSB bank

    He just changed it to 5.
  5. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    I thougt that you were "working" Yorkshire 40 years ago?
  6. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    Are you a student .. the sort that chants. "We're here! We're queer! We can't pay nine grand a year! .. you will go well as part of the clique.
  7. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    So where abouts in Cheshire do you live?
  8. Do you think that he could actually come from somewhere like Dorking in Surrey?
  9. But why not change into something that everyone thinks is some cunt from Rotherham? Anything is better than this inane drivel that you are presently coming out with.
  10. Panzer you were once scotch and then became oirish ..is there any chance of you undergoing another metamorphosis into some cunt from Rotherham?
  11. At a guess Punker's christian name is something like Cecil or Wilbert.
  12. Its its "on line" advice .. how about advising him to stand in the middle of the up line at Bramhall or Poynton?
  13. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    So you live somewhere like Berney Arms or Reedham.
  14. You can stick your Gold Blend and John Steed up your back passage.
  15. Panzer has actually got a form of "locked in syndrome " where he has to type his posts out on a special "keypad" using eye movements. The version of locked in syndrome he has is called "Locked In The EU Syndrome". Sadly death will be his only release.
  16. The only press and hold I wanted to do on Bernard Manning was to press and hold his windpipe for about ten minutes.
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