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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Isn't some cunt trying to sell the MCC ground from under them?
  2. I just tell them to fuck off. That gets them started.
  3. No, I'm just quoting what the real world has been like for at least the last 45 years. You show no signs that you have ever had to deal with people face to face. You just live in a world that comes from reading all those 99p books on the Krays and other gangsters from the 50 and 60s. Reality since the early 70s at least in such roles you could not lay a finger on anyone, and any hint of racial bias and you would be dropped on like a ton of bricks. The sex discrimination act kicked in in 1975 as well and that also severely limited. We were also warned not to discriminate against gays. On the railways we had a greater range of powers than in most places save for airports and seaports and even then it was very limited. What was said in messrooms was different but you dare to take that outside and you were on the carpet. About the only people we could hassle and discriminate against were trannies and cross-dressers but that all came to an end with rulings pertaining to the sex discrimination in the 1990s, and once again we were given training about this in briefings.
  4. Its looking ever more likely that rather than actually ever having done any "bouncing" you have simply attended one of these "bouncers" courses, listened to all the spiel and decided that door keeping is not for you.
  5. There is an ap so you can give them money via your mobile. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/stories-45102437/scanning-homeless-people-with-smartphones-to-donate-money
  6. Miles


    To be honest this was bound to happen with daft cunts walking around in snowstorms in shorts as they were doing in the snowstorms in March. You have also got the daft stubbyesque cunts wearing shorts whilst they doing surveys in bracken covered moors and woodlands etc when they should covering their legs because of ticks.
  7. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    Oh I forgot to ask .. who typed out those "papers" and who writes your reports for you?
  8. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    Thecla betulae is what I am asking about, not your filthy ponytail.
  9. Miles

    Cheesy Cunts

    I expect that some lags will be making this dopey cunt pick up their dropped cheese. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-45111846
  10. I have read that in the old days these kind of cunts used telephones and the royal mail to communicate with each other. Surely proof that the telephone and royal mail were the sole cause of this kind of thing.
  11. They will most likely go to the specialist unit at Cannings Wood Prison near Newton Abbot.
  12. Mon's seems to have destroyed the rule of never telling a small and needless lie when a much bigger lie is always much more believable. Perhaps he needs to change his imaginary business to one of buying cheap old terraced houses and converting them into student lets.
  13. Miles

    Blubbing women

    O you can all me "Dave" but that is not my actual name .. Rick B and possibly Panzer does know my name.
  14. Miles

    Blubbing women

    I actually used two stations today. Exeter St Thomas and Dawlish Warren a couple of trains did pass through whilst I was at Exeter St Thomas but my attention was focused on the birds on top of the buildings at the Riverside Shopping Centre. There were several juvenile gulls along with several adult Herring Gulls and a couple of Lesser Black-backed Gulls. There also a couple of Carrion Crows a couple of Wood Pigeons and about a dozen Feral Pigeons. I hope that this is of interest to you .. I saw fuck all at Dawlish Warren and got on to the Number 22 omnibus to get away from the fucking dump.
  15. 20 years for Ryan-Guess and 12 years for Roberts. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-45086896
  16. Miles

    Phony Battlers.

    They were burnt at the STEAK.
  17. Miles

    Blubbing women

    And catching fare evaders.
  18. Miles

    Blubbing women

    So not Crustacean?
  19. Miles

    Fucking Scum

    Size 5 shoe and I thought that snakes didn't need shoes.
  20. Miles

    Blubbing women

    A bath, and haircut and a shave will make you feel better.
  21. Miles

    Blubbing women

    Feeding frenzy here I see.
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