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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles


    This is George, he is is a two-year-old Teacup Shih Tzu and is his owner's "assistance dog" .. does he fetch newspaper, slippers and other vital items .. no! His owner carry him around to aid him in his mental health .. George is not a cunt but his owner is a cunt. George's owner is now bleating because taxi drivers think that George's owner is taking the piss .. George's owner is 46 years old Edward Jones who moved from London to Chippenham. Edward needs to grow a pair and man up .. there are lots of poor fuckers who have real assistance dogs to do stuff that they themselves are physically unable to do.
  2. Miles

    The Brave King

    I suppose that out elderly monarch needs to look nice.
  3. I live in the present so I don't usually .. is though more manufactured .. like the Monkees were a yank try at making a US Beatles rival almost 60 years ago and of course 30 years ago the Spice Girls were a made up girl group.
  4. Miles

    The Brave King

    If its terminal Charlie could still be with us for years .. if he popped his clogs tomorrow the earliest date for a coronation would be well after an election .. it really cannot be during the same year as his death .. I also don't find the prospect of his bald headed heir appealing.
  5. It is ironical and TBH Miss Shit is not important .. but she and many other celebrities (famous but useless folk) are crowding and polluting our skies and wasting airspace on reckess flights around the globe .. again it is the media giving them the other kind of airspace and also killing tree to print magazines that will be looked at and read by empty headed wastes of space. We do need to know how many of these cunts are flying around with their hangers-on.
  6. The licence fee would be seen as a tax.. but do agree with the idea, poor folk would of course start screaming along with the "therapy dogs" owners but I do not see its as right to use a living animal as a mental health support having seen one nut case owned commit suicide and not being found for several days with his badly starved "therapy dog" besides him. I would actually also put an age limit on pet ownership.
  7. The media has chosen to continue publishing bleeding heart "these are fluffy cuddly babies" interviews and videos by the halfwits who try to justify the owning and breeding of these dogs. The media might be trying to show these people for fools but many other fools will identify with them and think that the legislation is some kind of conspiracy and/or even that the attack have never happened. The media itself can be inept.
  8. Good Evening @Ape™️!
  9. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    There are reports that Abdul was last seen near a river and may have jumped in and drowned.
  10. Did you have a cb radio on the handlebars and halfbeed arial on the back?
  11. He performs as WYRLESS MAN .. he needs a review by @PANZER MURPHY or @Frank
  12. The sheer number of times on assbook and else where where I have seen dumb bimbo posting picks of their kids holding the heads of these type of dogs and other similar looking breeds against their kids heads and often the dogs eyes are bulging it is obvious the dog doesn't like it.
  13. Now he want's XL Bully breed to be exterminated https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/xl-bully-grandmother-maul-death-ashley-warren-rapper-wipe-out-breed/
  14. Behaviour appears to suggest he is trying to prove that he is is 'ard one.
  15. According to reports fewer than 200 XLs have been Euthanised .. the police are going to be busy. Regarding the Jaywick case, the woman was said to be afraid of the dogs and most dogs can tell when someone is afraid of them .. in the case of dogs bred to kill such as XLs sensing someone who is afraid is enough of a challenge for them to take a chance and attack most dogs are loyal to one person and any other members of the household are secondary and will be seen as a potential danger to its master and it will see part of its jobs as keeping the other household members under control. The fascination of some people for the edgy fighting breeds is a puzzle ,, there are plenty of big breeds that present little danger. I am guessing that if the information about this owner is correct that he had got buyers lined up for those puppies maybe at a few grand each.
  16. I still can't see that his lips are anything but the result of him being wacked in the gob.
  17. Did you give him his thick lips?
  18. Most of the cameras I use have got built in stabilisers @Ape™️ .. you can stick your Canon up your arse.
  19. The dogs owner is a fuckin' rapper who use to feature the dogs in his act!
  20. It is not the dogs' fault.
  21. The media is of course continuing to stir with interviews with silly bints with their cuddly fluffy XL saying "any dog can bite" but failing to see that a "playful" bite from their XL or similar will put them in hospital or a coroners' slab whereas a bite from a Yorkie with probably just need savlon and a sticking plaster and the little cunt dog threatened with a yard brush.
  22. The problem is that ones who have got rid of their XLs are now buying other big dogs that they are unfit to own .. they are not fit to own any animal. You have got another problem of old ladies and old scrotes with obese labrador and other large dogs along with these cunts with therapy dog which they carry around like a cuddly teddy bear.
  23. TBH not a lot he can say .. the dopey cunt here appears to have been breeding them .. two adults (shot by the police) and six puppies. Reported that the puppies had been fighting .. the owner went out leaving the old woman and her grandson (his son?) with them with the instruction that if the puppies started to fight that she was to hold a broom up to distract them! What happned was inevitable and obvious to anyone who was not brain dead.
  24. Miles

    Clapham diversity

    He is a bit of a dog for fine detail .. like Prince Andrew he need to have his teddy bears arranged in exact order on his bed otherwise he can't get to sleep.
  25. Billy went for a used Tivoli.
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