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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    He does't need a parking place Frank .. Mike Wiz leaves his skateboard in the cloakroom.
  2. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Its not as if he has one dimension, he lacks even the surface tension that allows some insects to walk on water.
  3. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Cruel and harsh but nonetheless true.
  4. Shit! He not in Minehead is he?
  5. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Is that Mike the headless chicken?
  6. Also typical Wither's @Witheredscrote?
  7. I see that the suspect originates from Sudan.
  8. I just wanted you to know that Jesus loves you.
  9. Why is this "god" bloke such a cunt?
  10. Similar kind of thing has happened to the rail industry. Back in 1986 a train driver made a very serious error at Colwich in Staffordshire which resulted in two trains colliding and the driver of the other train being killed (these days he would have been lawyered up facing a manslaughter charge). back in 1986 he was not long afterwards at an inquiry explaining what had happened and why he made the fatal error. British Rail admitted responsibility within 24 hours .. within a few weeks a amendments had been made to the rulebook and changes in signalling introduced. Back in those days the emphasis was to find out what had happened as quickly as possible and to find a way to try to prevent it happening again. Leap forward to the late 1990s onwards and it would take months or even years to do what the old system had done within weeks.
  11. Have you given any thought to posting something either rational, ironic or amusing?
  12. Miles

    Pikey Cunts

    It means "You are gay".
  13. Do you ever see them in private buildings?
  14. Miles


    Are those the hills behind Macclesfield where you go up to the Cat n' Fiddle and Buxton?
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