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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Anyone spare a fag? I'm gasping!
  2. I am actually from middle claasssic farming folk and I was taught to talk proper just like what a lady gentleman does.
  3. Miles

    Dentist cunts

    Perhaps a filling dropped out.
  4. You're certainly bothered enough to make this 3 million word response 😂 😂
  5. What does it feel like to be the man who destroyed Wizz's last vestiges of credibility?
  6. Stubby .. from your own first hand personal experience can you tell me what it is like to be unusually thick and devoid of any spark of intelligence?
  7. Its ok Stubber's I know that you've got rid of the ponytail but I have got a recent photo of you
  8. I might be coming to Stroud next week Timbo .. any chance of a meet up in the local 'spoons? .. I will buy an extra portion of chips for you.
  9. Be careful @Eric Cuntman this is a trap.
  10. He turned up drunk at Stanstead and was refused access to the flight .. he spent the week in Lowestoft.
  11. You do need a jolly good telling off.
  12. Is it a free for all on this thread?
  13. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Here's a better one for you showing you licking Wizz's finger.
  14. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Is everything OK Tim?
  15. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    is it true the Canadian life expectancy is only 27?
  16. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Is your loyalty to the queen or is it to the president of france?
  17. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    Tell me .. is there sunlight in Canada?
  18. Miles

    Parking Bay Thieves

    It would be 10pm where Whizz lives. The cunt used to claim on other forums that he lived in Detroit but I think that he is more likely to to be a maple syrup eater from Ontario.
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