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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Norfolk means North and just north of there is a dirty quagmire called.The Wash .. so called because that's the only place where the dirty web-footed cunts ever bathe.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/health-45191235/the-alternative-therapist-who-steams-women-s-vaginas
  3. Oh I've got a like. What do you do when you've got a like?
  4. I do quite like the look of the Mamiya 645
  5. You can stick your hasselblad up your arse
  6. Miles

    lauren goodger

    This plumped up lips thing is infecting young blokes as well, when you see them lounging outside the Frog n Ferret for a smoke it looks like a gathering of Tench with designer stubble.
  7. They're are all tarnished .. 50 years ago there was a fire and brimstone methodist preacher in Cheshire who's sermons put the fear of god into the simpletons who listened when he preached. He had his finger in many pies including a small building society. His world collapsed when he was given a good hiding by a man who's 15 year old daughter was pregnant with his baby. It was all compounded soon after when it was found that he also had a son with a woman from Rhyl as well as two Children with his wife in Cheshire. A problem was then found with the building society accounts and other businesses that he was involved with. Before the police had started their investigations he took an overdose and died. It was thought that he had embezzled about £25k from the building society (no small sum in those days) and about £15k from the other businesses that he was involved with along further money from the church .. all was quietly brushed under the carpet as others might have found questioning less than convenient.
  8. As a photographer I almost always have a rucksack or backpack of some kind.
  9. Miles

    lauren goodger

    @Neil Lauren Goodger .. would you?
  10. Its common knowledge. I bet that @judgetwi has also accused you of being a fascist.
  11. Miles

    lauren goodger

    She seems a nice enough lass. Is that you and your dad in the avatar picture?
  12. They're still tory rags.
  13. So you read the Times? Fascist lackey 😡😙
  14. This is why there is a recruitment drive for atheist chaplains.
  15. In @Punkape's abode it will be a cockloft.
  16. @judgetwi it does look very much like the Norfolk Marauder is getting to you ... calm down!
  17. You're not Crazy George are you?
  18. There is also a local woman who goes around with four dogs .. two of them in a pushchair. I asked her what she did for a living .. she said that she couldn't work because she was a "full time mummy" to her dogs.
  19. And what do they do for living as who would employ them. There is a local "tapper" (spare any change merchant) with a mohican hair cut cunt and a spikey beard who says that he find a job in spite of trying .. I suggested that he get rid of his beard and funny hairdo and he then started whinging about that infringing his human rights.
  20. Oh by the way I have never needed to "tuck" but I would be grateful if we could keep that information to ourselves as that information could cause distress to a couple of punters.
  21. No .. I think that the smell would put people off.
  22. So what exactly do these cunts do to win? .. Do they walk through walls of fire and jump through flaming hoops? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6074121/Hundreds-don-eccentric-costumes-compete-British-Beard-Moustache-championships.html
  23. Miles

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