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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Lived half a mile from school .. a walk alongside a busy main road went to that school from 5 years old untlil 11 years old .. the school was right by a factory called Whey Products .. the school often used the factory sports ground .. the factory worked 24 hours a day 7 days a week and stunk the whole village out. It closed in the 1980s and the site is a housing estate .. school is still there as a junior school, it actually looks quite modern but was built in 1913.
  2. I am thinking of those Councilors in Warwick who have balked at the cost of educating these neuro-diverse children who 60 years ago would have been cured by a few slaps to the back of the head or in some other part of their little bodies and then sent back into the classroom and doubtless would be thrashed by their parents when they got back home .. its caused by the lead in the petrol you know.
  3. I knew a cunt called Aubrey Manning .. a two faced little toad, always creeping to management.. he still ended up getting the sack.
  4. Caravan will be glassfibre with advanced osmosis..
  5. How many years do you reckon to re-unification? .. I'm thinking early 2030s
  6. I am thinking of doing some pony trekking this year .. I will need help getting on tothe pony but at my age it might be my last chance .. any ideas/recommendations?
  7. I thought baseball was basically rounders?
  8. Or helping to make jam for Jerusalem.
  9. Actually there is some evidence that Muslims originated as a fundamentalist Jewish sect who were chucked out because they were to extreme in their adherence to the faith.
  10. Sadly we are responsible for much of this nonsense .. not from history but from allowing fuckwits to send donations to Gazan children .. litte of that funding gets to those children but most of it is skimmed off by these murdering shitbags .. the children are born innocent but quickly corrupted so by the time they are five the boys are dreaming of becoming martyrs.
  11. I don't give a fuck .. its like debating about how many angels can dance on the tip of a pin .. get a fucking life.
  12. Its all very odd in the first place when you look closely at it Islam is simply a variation of Judaism. A bit like Coptics, Catholics and Protestants. They're all worshipping the same god and simply arguing about their favourite prophet and ultimately they are all a load of fuckwits whichever version they believe in. The media are screaming about the Israelis rather than pointig out the the leaders that the Palestians have chosen are a load of blood thirsty useless lumps of shit who are no better than Mafia gangsters.
  13. Or still breathing in the back of a lorry at Dover.
  14. @Eric Cuntman .. you do not need to stand for this abuse .. I am 99% certain that you are an Alpha "Apex" Male.
  15. They do not know for sure that he is dead and they have said so. They're simply looking at a balance of probabilities that leans strongly towards the idea that he fell or jumped into the River Thames from that bridge. I personally would not bother searching for the body but media driven public perception means that they have little choice but to carry out a search for his body.
  16. You are not gaining traction with this one .. needs merging with Where's Abdul
  17. Miles

    Where's Abdul ?

    The poice now think that Abdul is now with his 72 "doe eyed" virgins. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-68255937 Police believe Clapham attack suspect died in Thames
  18. He seemed to only be able to play one kind of character .. I was often surprised by how seemingly type-casted actors could actually play a variety of enetirly different character but as said he seemed to lack this ability.
  19. The gentle Swiss folk https://news.sky.com/story/switzerland-axe-wielding-hostage-taker-on-train-shot-dead-by-police-13067242
  20. What about white admiral butterflies?
  21. Miles


    I am sure this what a workmate had when he committed suicide .. he was not found for 5 days and the dog had tried to eat one of his hands and was in a dreadful state and was put to sleep .. the workmate had long standing mental health problems. I have also read other stories of of these therapy dogs suffering when their owners killed themselves. I am against any animal being used in this way.
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