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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Its true isn't it .. you pushed her dad off the yacht..
  2. I bet that Ratto has sailed in Dancing Hare.
  3. I see that a painter & decorator has got nine years for his part in the riots .. noting how quiet you have been was it you @Jake The Muss?
  4. You are on front on 49 on the Leaderboaard poor @Decimus is on 25 behind @Frank who is on 35.
  5. In principle the EU us a good idea if it protects the rights of all its members .. for a island nation such as the UK there will always be problems. The EU should also recognise that uncontrolled migration by people from other countries that lack or ideas of tolerance and freedoms is a threat and such people should be returned from whence they came.One lot we need to sort out are the "leftist" "Migrants Welcome" cunts along with the other fuckwit influencers who spout patronising nonsense on social media and elsewhere and call anyone who dares to question what they are saying as racists.
  6. It would have been the same under the tories. .. until we destroy this idea that a 17 year old (or indeed a 14, 15, or 16 year old is still a "child" we will get nowhere .. you can be naive at 14, 15, 16 or 17 years of age but you do know right from wrong.
  7. None of this is real .. @Frank is a virtual lovable rogue and of no concern to you.
  8. You are nothing if not predictable. Wink is is simply a figment of Wink's own tortured imagination.
  9. Go back to sleep but keep an eye out for Leopards.
  10. Is there some rule saying that you have to respond? Can you verify this statement and rule?
  11. There are some scammers impersonating airlines .. so that is how fat cunts make their money.
  12. Lonely Widower 69 duped out of his home and savings by Fake Kenyan Bride https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c78lyjx1y33o
  13. G @Ape™️ won't like this.
  14. Re-wilding the streets.
  15. We had 14 years of a government with a mandate to sort things .. all that happened was that things got much worse because there was "no business case" to do anything .. everything is a business and must offer value to stakeholders.
  16. About 5 years ago we had a little hag from Paignton squealing that the local gulls should be exterminated because her little handbag dog had been seized and taken from her garden by a great black-back gull .. yes pure evil cruelty to turn a magnificent animal like a wolf into something the size of a rat and a wife the "cute" face of a gargoyle .. and that people who own these things think themselves to be animal lovers.
  17. More ironic than funny . someone's malformed cosseted pet (actually an apex predator being dragged off by a a real natural apex predator.
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