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Everything posted by Miles

  1. MH370 is still in level flight and can be seen near the moon.
  2. Googlemaps prove that the earth is flat.
  3. Thick cunt .. how would you get one of these out of it?
  4. Is this now a tranny cum bumboy forum?
  5. Fuck them north of the border .. they've got Nicola to look after them.
  6. Hey @Lord Punkape how about us having a few bottles of Bishops Finger?
  7. I don't see what your problem is. Tim lives in the forest of dean so he might as well be welsh anyway.
  8. How about coming to Exmoor Tim .. I can show you how Johnny Kingdon turned his digger over.
  9. I have shoved the Bass up my arse you fool .. that's why I've offered it (the Bass) to Stubby.
  10. That's all very well but how about meeting up to share the cans of Bass and being friends?
  11. @Stubby Pecker how about we settle our differences over a few cans of Bass?
  12. Mongo is an absolute legend .. a legend in his very own faux cotswold stone clad garden shed.
  13. You dimwits have to decide what you want. We have a country that has been sold off lock stock and barrel. A national lottery that that pays Canadian teachers pensions, a potentially profitable rail system that in effect subsidises loss making foreign railway systems, utilities owned by foreign governments, the NHS being cherrypicked by Beardie Branson and co, housing that cost five times its true value and lunatic financial system that cannot comprehend the 12x12 multiplication table.
  14. You forget Swampy Tim of the five valleys and his hiappy band of warriors.
  15. Miles

    Chris Evans

    Noting one of the main topics of news today .. Do you open and close your own "car" door when you alight from your "vehicle" or do you have someone to do this for you?
  16. Wither's you do have to be honest and admit that beyond your dreadful medical traumas those "seams of comedy" are simply not there.
  17. Not as much as your 30 centimetre wide mouth.
  18. Miles


    Punker's likes poles (as long as it is a lady boy's "pole" that is).
  19. But you like ladyboys and go to Africa every year to get your end away with them so why are you complaining?
  20. Did you know that Jonathon Swift's father died of syphilis, which he said he got from dirty sheets when out of town?
  21. Miles

    bill cosby

    Three to ten years .. I wish that they would make up their fucking minds.
  22. Panzer .. will you stop faffing about and tell us what YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT BREXIT?
  23. Miles

    Laura Plummer

    What a stupid comment! There are lots of surplus trams around .. Blackpool got rid of most of their old trams and the Midland metro have also got new trams.
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