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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Old Miss Lofkin said that she could remember when all magarines were mixed sex .. how we tittered and chortled when we saw that packet of stork.
  2. Just had to do a screengrab to prove that I had a ratlike for my "Rater's has Jewped Judge"" comment.
  3. there was no war to be won .. until around 60 years ago there was little legislation concerning many of what are now seen as problem drugs.
  4. Some of the cunts only need a lemonade shandy to start talking bollocks.
  5. My family is from the world that Punker's aspires to be in and yes these posh drug parties are fucking tedious.
  6. Mrs May says that middle class drug users will no longer be immune from attention when using recreational drugs in their own home as the "crime" is not "victimless". So beware although might life a blameless life in leafy suburbia you might still get a "knock at the door"..
  7. It is best not to think Panz. Yesterday I spoke to a man who has served 12 months of an 18 month prison sentence because he has got M.S.
  8. This is the advice issued by Sheffield City Council .. "Nobody decides to become dependent on spice, things happen over time which can lead people down that road," Addaction's spokesman added. Oh yes they do .. cunts.
  9. Are you Chuck Chequers?
  10. I think that Rater's has Jewped you Bludge.
  11. Punker's "wife" is his right hand.
  12. I know someone who was once in the Crewe Saders Cycling Club.
  13. It was a dormitory run by the holy fathers too.
  14. You are just so COMMON and a practising CATHOLIC too.
  15. Ooooh you only went to a "public" school .. mummy and daddy sent me to a private school. You COMMON OAF!
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