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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles


    It must be true because you could not have photoshopped a photo taken in 1969 because there was no photoshop back then.
  2. Cobbett was an odd but interesting character fiercely opposed to tea drinking and eating potatoes .. there wash a mash up made into a book of writings about his time in America made about 10 years ago and is a good read .. I do suspect though that he would not fit in with your opinion in today's world .. he would almost certainly be with "Just Stop Oil" protesters and others. He would see Assange as a fool and contradictory cunt that he was, he would probably favour disrupters such as Trump .. you do need to read his books .. perhaps a read of some of George Borrow's works might also be worthyou looking at.
  3. I would ges that he shot thousands of pheasants .. there was a deer park there .. the deer were all shot by soldiers station there in world war two.
  4. I though that Billy was highly educated .. didn't he go to a special school?
  5. Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe who was the last Earl of Crewe died in 1945
  6. No .. I am just stating fact 9AM is after 2AM simple fact, Simple Match .. Simples.
  7. It is actually OVERground lines that have been sort of rebranded .. mostly the old British Rail lines that were originally not part of London Transport .. you are so easy to wind up, get yourself a mug of cocoa and go back to bed.
  8. Noddy is an adult .. he now probably least 80 years old.
  9. I think that @ChildeHarold and @Basil Brush both need help.
  10. Reading this is so depressing that I've just blocked you.
  11. I bought a TV at Christmas after 13 years of managing without one. I am fucking too deaf to listen to the sound without turning the sound up so loud that it wakes every cunt in Paignton up, so I turn the sound off and use subtitles .. there is an option to turn subtitles on and off but on some programmes there is this fucking silly annoying sign language cunt that appears on the bottom right hand corner of the screen and no option to get rid of the cunt. What the fuck is with this sign language .. if you are clever enough to understand it you must be clever enough to read the subtitles without all this fucking wavy arms stuff .. Fucking woke cunts.
  12. Miles

    Where's Abdul ?

    I don't think that it is a maybe .. there has been clear evidence of mushy brain syndrome during the whole time that he has been posting on here.
  13. Miles

    Sleeping pills

    Try a 500ml can of red bull just before you go to bed ... it always works for me.
  14. Miles

    Where's Abdul ?

    You're old boots must smell vile.
  15. Miles

    Where's Abdul ?

    At least one quote that his right eye "melted" from the chemical splash back .. I know from experience that eyes are not to be messed with .. at best he would have been in excruciating pain yet the CCTV images showing him walking around casually .. not always odd as in some burn injuries the pain intensifies later (sometimes several hours later) .. perhaps the chemicals got into his blood stream or even into his mouth via the saliva ducts. I would go with the "dead" part of the METS theory regardless of whether or not he went into the water .. I do hope that he suffered during his last moments (hopefully hours) of his life.
  16. I think that you missed the boat on this one as ELC posted a nom before you .. not a lot to say .. ordinary cunt who got lucky.
  17. Miles

    Steve Wright

    Like a lot of them they were good in their day .. in the 70s and 80s he would have been in his twenties and thirties but the problem is that they should really pack their bags in their mid forties at the latest. The "legendary" status is odd .. he was just doing a job and getting well paid for it and also paid more for his celebrity status elsewhere. They are really like newsreaders that get celebrity status for reading off an auto-cue or a laptop screen.
  18. Miles

    Steve Wright

    Wasn't he the suffolk strangler?
  19. I can't ride one of those .. no siree!
  20. I have long known that you are a Lone Wolf.
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